Flight 424 (28)

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"What?" Sam questioned as he let his arms fall from Hayley's sides and as his anger and frustrations subsided,

"What did you just say?" Hayley turned her back to Sam as she dove into the secret that has haunted Lydia for 21 years,

"You see, when I was just a baby, my father and John got into this huge fight because my father had found a very easy and yet very dangerous hunt. One of the problems, with the hunt was that it was very far from Bobby's. To be exact, on the east coast. While the problem was what he was hunting. Which was something called a Yenaldooshi or loupgaru or something like that.. Anyway, after the fight, my dad took Lydia and I into Lydia's Impala though at the time it was my dad's and drove off. Another reason, John and my dad got into a fight was because of what happened a year before." Sam stood there silently as she took a breath before she went on,

"My dad knew he wasn't gonna make it to save whoever was in trouble at the time because I forget. Anyway, he suggested we take a plane. So he drove to the nearest airport, bought the tickets and boarded the flight. Once we were in our seats, well except for me because I was only a year old, the plane took off. The plane was said to land at the destination, which I forget where, in about two hours but it never made it." Hayley was quiet then as she tried to think of the best way to say next. Sam still remained silent but nodded at her to help her along,

"The plane crashed two states from our destination and we were the only survivors. No one else made it. My father and I were still in the plane after it crashed while Lydia landed outside it. After the plane crashed, my father took it upon himself to get Lydia and I the hell out of there. He got us out and soon after that the plane exploded killing anyone who could have been still alive but couldn't move." Sam stared at her for the longest time before shut his eyes and sighed deeply. Hayley went on explaining how the three of them made it to the place and saved a whole bunch of people in the process.

Hayley went on explaining that shortly after the hunt was over both Lydia and her father collapsed but not before Lydia called 911. She told him,

"We were taken to the hospital and a little time after they were admitted, your father showed up and took us all home. A few years later, after I had grown up a bit, I had asked if we could take a plane but being only a year old at the time of the first crash, I had no idea what I had just asked. My father calmly and yet sternly took me out of the room and told what happened. I never asked again." Hayley went quiet again and Sam took that last statement as her way of ending her tale. Sam approached her again and placed a hand on her shoulder as he told her,

"This is not your fault. It's mine. Though I swear to you that I had no idea that what I brought in was metal. Don't worry, you gave Lydia both the holy water and Dad's journal, right?" Hayley didn't answer and Sam asked again,

"You did give them the holy water and my dad's journal right? Hayley?" This time Hayley looked up at Sam and held up his dad's journal.

"Oh my God. You... You... (sigh)." Then whispered to himself, "That's okay. That is okay. Everything is going to be okay." Somehow Hayley heard him and practically yelled,

"No it's not! I was so busy getting you out of the metal detector situation that I completely forgot to give it to them!" Just then, Sam's cell phone rang, he grabbed his phone, put it on speaker and answered,

"Hello?" They both asked in unison but no one answered on the other end so Sam asked again,

"Hello? Dean? You there?" After a few minutes went by Sam thought heard Dean humming through the phone. Sam put the phone off of speaker and placed it on his shoulder as he told Hayley,

"Dean must be around flight attendants so it will be a while. Try Lydia maybe she'll answer." Then walked away from Hayley. Once Sam was far enough away, he put the cell phone back to his ear and spoke,

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