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Sunny day as always over here in London. Sunny, haha. Yeah right. It was a dark day, looked like it could rain any second. Honestly, I don't care. I just want to live the moment I'm in, which is well, playing the trumpet at a park with my two brothers.

I was playing some random melody, having my eyes closed and jumping up and down while doing so. My brother, Ikii, was dancing around me. My other brother, Yato, was just staring at us with the most unimpressed expression ever.

"Guys. We have to go for a show in a while. Please stop messing around it is really embarrassing oh my god everyone is looking at you two please just stop." Yato said with his face bright red from all the embarrassment we were causing him. Ikii looked at him, cackling at his face.

"Dude chill~ you just need to move with the floooooow of the music and let it eat you up~"

"I honestly have no idea how I can put with your shit is just so amazing." The boy with sparkling grey eyes sighed, putting a hand through his blonde hair.  "I'm seventeen having to live with my siblings because our good for nothing parents don't even exist wow this is sure the life." I couldn't help and stop playing, looking directly at him. Sometimes it shocked me how we were even related by blood. Like, me and Ikii basically look like each other just different genders, while Yato? He looks like our opposites. We have green eyes, he has gray eyes. We're redheads, he's a blonde.

Guess genetics just work like that. I mean we don't even know how our parents look like. Well, at least Yato does. Our parents left us right when I was born. Sure Ikii was around them till he was one year old, but he recalls no memories of them.

"Hey, you were stuck with us since the day we were born. So suck up honey bunch cause we aren't leaving anytime soon." The boy rolled his eyes and sighed. He stood up and walked towards me, placing his hand on my head.

"Yea, yea. I know. Just get in there already because your show is in ten minutes. Don't want to be rejected no do we? You'll end up being the little reject while your brothers are learning how to be great musicians." A large frown was drawn onto my face. I did what I would usually do, jab him in his stomach. He grunted slightly and cursed under his breath. 

"If you want to fight me, make sure you tell me at a time where I will be able to beat your ass."

"Hitari you can beat his ass at anytime what are you talking about?" Said Ikii. "Anyways, he's right. Go in there and show them what you're made of!" A very determined look was plastered across my face, nodding in his direction. I ran towards the building, a huge grin starting to crawl its way up my lips. It was my time to shine, my time to show the world that not everything needs to be the same; I have to show them that it's fun to put a little bit of creativity in things.

Once I was inside, the place was packed. Well, it wasn't surprising. This is a public building and anyone could enter. It was just... wow. I was starting to get really nervous just thinking about it.

There were a group of kids and some adults that looked like they didn't belong here. It looked like a group of tourists from all parts of the world. "Cool..." I said without thinking. I walked to backstage, seeing how people were already ready or trying to cool down. Boy this sure made me even nervous.

I walked to my dressing area, putting on the white-pinkish dress that was in my wardrobe. I put my hair up in ponytail ignoring if it didn't look right. Presentation doesn't matter on how one looks, but on how one plays.

It was only one more presentation until I went on stage, and I could feel my heart pounding with fear and excitement. I couldn't wait any longer. I just wanted to play to the audience. I mean, they might not even pay attention, because most of them looked bored to death. Well, I don't blame them. I would be too after hearing the same melody over and over again without any change.

Once the person that was playing left stage, I waited until they gave me the signal to walk forward. I took a deep breathe, and walked into the spotlight, as if I was the only one there. I bowed, and looked straight, not a specific point, just straight. It was a blurred spot. Two empty seats. I always looked for two empty seats. It's where I would imagine a middle-aged man and woman, staring at the stage looking at what is supposed to be their daughter.

I took in a deep breathe and put the bow against the strings. I wasn't like the rest, I played my own way. I turned and look at my accompanist. We nodded, letting me look back at the audience. Then that's when I took a daring step. I played the first note, but not like everyone else had. This, obviously caught almost everyone's attention (especially the judges). I would play with the notes, tweaking them to make sure they fit my style. Everyone was on the edge of their seats now. I couldn't help but smile at that. I might be making a mistake, but not everything should be read like it says. Things have deeper meanings where one needs to look for, so why not do the same with music?

I had my eyes closed, moving in every direction my body wanted to. I could hear how my accompanist was struggling to read my movements, so I decided to move to an easier yet unique style of the song, allowing them to join along. Although I was completely ignoring the rules, you could tell some judges liked it (but of course there were some that were in rage for my foolishness).

Around the end of the song, I mixed things up to sound even more different than they had the whole time. Surprising enough, the person playing on the piano was able to read my moves now, joining in with me. I looked back at her, smiling. She just exchanged the smile, a tint of admiration in her eyes.

Then we ended with a big boom, both of us grinning like idiots.

The crowed went wild, giving us both the reaction we wanted. I bowed once again and walked off stage, way too happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2016 ⏰

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