An Unfortunate Mishap

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           Madoka sat with her legs and arms crossed with a look of absolute disdain on her face. She was sitting on a bench in the Bey Park next to the Bey Pit that she worked at. The Bey Park had a few trees and a circular pit for bladers to play the thrilling game of Beyblade. She'd been watching her "date" Gingka practice with his Galaxy Pegasus beyblade for some time now. She had asked him if he wanted to hang out with her and get some burgers after he was done practicing with his bey Pegasus. Gingka looked at her for a second and said, "Sure, sounds like a plan.

          "That was four hours ago. She was now sitting on the park bench long with her legs crossed in annoyance. She started to believe that she was leaving an impression on the bench because she had been sitting there for so long. She was wearing a nice sky blue, shiny sleeveless shirt with a dark blue skirt that came down past her knees. She had white two-inch heels, blue stud earrings, and had a little white purse hanging on her shoulder. She looked stunningly beautiful and Gingka would definitely be left speechless, if Gingka cared to look at her.

          Gingka, on the other hand, was wearing the same clothes. He had he trademark blue headband with the Pegasus symbol and a white neck scarf that was way too long. He was wearing an orange shirt with a blue jacket over it. He was also wearing his usual blue pants with his red belt and brown belt making an "x" across his waist. Madoka didn't mind that he didn't dress up for dinner, nor did she really care that she had been sitting there for so long. She didn't actually express this as a date. But she did mind that she was sitting in a very nice (and kind of uncomfortable) outfit, and Gingka was too busy focusing on a match that he had with Kyoya Tetagami in a week that he couldn't pay attention to her at all.

          Kyoya was a wild child that was Gingka's greatest rival (besides maybe Ryuga). Kyoya could usually be seen wearing a black shirt with badge pants. However, it was always covered with a very long green jacket, like a coat. He had a fang and he uses the beyblade Rock Leon. Kyoya was basically the human version of a lion. He roared all the time and would use everything around him, along with his natural ability, to beat his opponent. Kyoya and Gingka always had a very fierce rivalry since the day they met. In fact, the last time they faced, both of them passed out from the match that ended in a tie.

         So, Madoka knew that this match was important to Gingka; everyone knew that this was the biggest match to date. The build-up for the match was so big that it was questionable if the actual match would match up to the hype. But she wanted to be important to Gingka. She wanted Gingka to think or her every once in a while, instead of thinking only about beyblade. Even if it was a little thought, she would at least know that Gingka actually cared about her. She had liked Gingka since the day she met him. He seemed very kind and caring. He was sort of a knucklehead, but he had a genuine heart. She also knew that Gingka was oblivious to how she felt about him, but know she was just tired of it. She started to become more obvious of the fact that she likes Gingka, and he didn't notice anything. She even dressed up today for him and he wasn't even paying attention to her. 'He doesn't care that I changed my outfit,' Madoka thought, 'He doesn't care to change his clothes, he doesn't care to look at me, and he doesn't care to walk away from his practice session. He just doesn't CARE.

         After having enough, she decided to that she was just going to go. She stood up and started to walk out of the Bey Park. She was not waiting another second for Gingka to get a cool. As she reached the exit of the park, she felt a hand grab her hand. She turned around and saw that Gingka had reached out for her. 'Maybe he does care about me,' she thought as her face started to turn a slight shade of pink. "Yes, Gingka?

         "Gingka gave Madoka a concerned look, "Are you leaving already?"

         'Already, I've been here for four freakin' hours!' Madoka screamed in her head. "Yes, Gingka. I'm going home."

         "Why? Are you feeling sick or something?" Gingka asked. "You look a little hot."

         Madoka faced turned beat red when Gingka asked why. 'He really does care about me.' "No Gingka, I'm just hungry," Madoka said, hoping that Gingka would get the hint and follow her to the burger joint.

         "Oh okay, be safe. I'm gonna practice with Pegasus some more." Gingka turned around to go practice with Pegasus, leaving Madoka all by herself.

         Madoka had her mouth hanging open, stunned at what just transpired. She really thought Gingka cared about her, all with him being curious that she was leaving with no explanation. But, in the end, he still chose that stupid beyblade over her. Madoka couldn't comprehend it. She really thought there was more to Gingka than just beyblade, but she realised that the only thing that matters to Gingka is Pegasus and his rivalry with Kyoya. At this realisation, tears started to fall from her face.

         "He really doesn't care about me. He doesn't care about me at all," she whispered as she turned around running. Her mascara was running down her face because of the tears, but Madoka didn't care. She was upset, she was hurt, and she was heartbroken. She didn't know where she was running, nor did she care or pay attention to where. She just wanted to get as far away from the park as possible. She could barely see in front of her and the rest of the world went black. Her whole life started to disappear. She couldn't hear anything around her and anything that wasn't in front of her was blind.

         So, when the great big blue truck that was in Madoka's path honked the horn, Madoka didn't hear it. The truck stomped on the breaks and tried to stop just in time, but it was too late. The side of the car hit Madoka's arm and legs while she was running in frustration. The impact sent Madoka flying into the air and brought to reality. When she landed on the ground, she heard two loud snapping sounds. She started to drift out of consciousnesses when she heard "MADOKA." She whispered "gingka" before she passed out cold.  

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