Medical Attention!

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           Beep . . . Beep . . . Beep

          Madoka groaned as she heard her alarm clock. She reached to turn it off, only to realise that she wasn't hitting anything. She then noticed other things that were not right. She smelled a mixture of vomit and cold medicine, her alarm clock beeps was too far apart, and her entire body was very sore. She then felt her left arm and left leg was surrounded by something stiff. She opened her eyes and, after rubbing her eyes for readjustment, she noticed that she was in a hospital room. She looked under the pale blue sheets of the bed she was lying in and saw that she was wearing a pale blue hospital gown. She also saw that her arm was in a cast and sling across her chest and that her leg was in a cast.

          She grunted as she sat up, finding out that the action was a difficult task to accomplish. She rubbed her face with her right hand, trying to remember the events that happened last night. She had a hard time remembering anything. All she could remember was Gingka training for a match and a truck. With this information, she formulated that she was falling asleep from watching Gingka practiced and decided to go home by herself. She must have not seen where she was going and a truck hit her.

          Madoka felt so stupid. She hit her head with the palm of her head with the palm of her hand. She should have known better than to head home when she wasn't fully awake. She should have waited for Gingka to finish his training. She knew that Gingka wouldn't mind. That was one of the things that she admired about him. He was a good friend and would never abandon them.

         "Oh, you've finally awoken," Madoka was taken from her thoughts by the arrival of a nurse that had just entered the room. She was pretty, tall, and had long pink hair that formed two full circles on both side of her shoulders. She was wearing a light pink gown and hat. "I was starting to fear that you were never going to wake up."

          "Huh?" Madoka asked confused. The nurse sounded as if Madoka had been out for days. "I've only been out for a day, right?"

          "Oh, sweetie, you've been out cold for four days," the nurse explained. Madoka eyes went wide with shock. She could not believe that she had been out for that long. The nurse saw Madoka's shocked expression and the smiled, "But don't worry. The doctors were able to mend your arm and leg; they say that you'll be good to go in about a month. Plus, you're friends have been worried sick about you," she said, pointing to her left.

         Madoka looked to her right to see what the nurse was pointing to. She immediately saw bouquets of flowers on a brown wooden desk. Madoka's eyes couldn't get any wider. She saw dozens of bouquets on the desk. Most of the flowers were lilies, which was her favourite flower. "Did my friends send me all of these bouquets?"

         The nurse giggled, "Well, one of your friends is responsible for most all the bouquets will lilies.

         "Madoka had a mixed looked of confusion and hope in her eyes. Besides her fathers, only two other people knew that Madoka's favourite flower was the lily. "Who? Who sent me these?" Madoka said very eagerly.

        The nursed looked at her watch and smiled to herself. "Don't worry honey. Visiting hours has just started, you'll find out soon enough."

         "What do y-?" but before Madoka could finish her sentence, she saw who the nurse was talking about. At the moment, Gingka appeared at the door, and upon seeing Madoka finally conscious, rushed towards her and caught her in a big embrace. "G-Gingka?" Madoka's went bright red as Gingka held her.

          "Oh, Madoka!" Gingka exclaimed as he held her close. "I'm so glad to see that you're okay. I was so worried about you." Hearing Gingka say this, along with realising that he had bought her all of those lily bouquets, Madoka felt as if she was floating out of the bed.

          The nurse let out a small giggle. "I'll just let you two be alone." She turned and walked out the room."Don't worry, Gingka," Madoka brought herself back to reality and respond to Gingka's frantic fears. "I'm fine." Gingka broke the hug with Madoka, which brought the red on her face to go down to a light pink. She smiled at Gingka for a bit, but then quickly remembered something important. "Wait Gingka, your match with Kyoya is in three days. Shouldn't you be practicing with Pegasus?"

         "No, don't worry about it," Gingka replied. This brought true shock to Madoka's face. I'll face Kyoya when the time comes. Right now, why don't we just spend the day together?"

         Madoka's face heated up so much, she thought that her head was on fire. Gingka Hagane, the boy that she liked so much, was actually choosing to spend the day with her over practicing for his big match with Kyoya. She couldn't believe that this was actually happening. 'I can't believe it. It's like my wildest dreams have finally come true, she thought. It took all of her willpower not to show how glad she was. "So Gingka, what did you want to do? I mean, I'm kind of stuck in this hospital bed.

         "Gingka just smiled as he sat down on the chair next to Madoka's bed. "I know that," he responded, "I was just hoping that we could talk."Under her covers, Madoka pinched herself. 'Ow, guess I'm not dreaming. This means that this is really happening. Eeeeee!" Madoka squealed in her head. "So, what do you want to talk about?"

         "Hmmm." Gingka started to think. He spent a full minute thinking about what to talk about and then it finally hit him. "Hey, why don't you tell me why you repair people's Beyblades?"

         That question came as a shock to Madoka. She never really thought about why she did maintenance on Beys. She just fixed them and liked doing it. She thought long about what got her into repair work in the first place. "Well, I guess I got into it because my dad started the Bey Pit. I saw how much joy he had doing it. When I was young, my dad showed me how to analyse each Bey part, clean it, fix it, and take care of it. After a while, it became as easy as breathing to me. I guess I just love to make Beyblade seem brand new. Plus, I love how people react when they see their beyblade fully repaired."

         "Wow, that's great," Gingka said with amazement. "That's the same way I got into Beyblade. My dad taught me how to be strong with Beyblade. My dad taught me how to be strong with Beyblade and I felt great just combining my spirit with Pegasus.""Yeah? I guess everyone can find a relationship with beyblade. That's what I love about it. It has a way of bringing everyone together."

        "It sure does. Thanks to Beyblade we've met many strong bladers like Kyoya, Dashan, and Masamune. That's the true meaning of beyblade, clashes of two spirits burning with their passion of beyblade.Madoka and Gingka's conversation continued for a long time. Their conversation followed on topics concerning their hobbies and interests (besides beyblade), their plans for the future, and some of their favourite things (foods, colours, etc.). All in all, Madoka found this day to be the best of her life. All this time she had to try to grab Gingka's attention, and all she had to do was get hit with a truck. Granted, this wasn't the way she wanted it to happen, but she was too happy to even care about the way she was getting all this attention.

         "Well, I guess I should get going now," Gingka said. It was indeed getting late. Madoka looked outside to an orange-plastered sky. She was very sad to see that this perfect day was coming to a close."Yeah, I guess you're right.

         "At that moment, Madoka felt a sharp pain in her broken arm and her broken leg. She winced at the pain, which Gingka noticed immediately."Madoka!" Gingka said in concern."I-It's alright Gingka. I'm fine."Gingka sighed in relief, but then looked down. 'Look Madoka, I'm sorry. You were tired and I should have gone with you. If I would have stopped practicing with Pegasus for a few seconds, the truck wouldn't have hit you.""No, Gingka, it's okay," Madoka replied. She didn't want Gingka to blame herself for the ideal. "I'll be better soon."

         "Okay. Well, I'll be back tomorrow," Gingka said as he walked out the door.Madoka smiled as she saw Gingka left. She was looking forward to seeing him tomorrow. But her smile quickly turned to a frown.  

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