Chapter Seven

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Raphael's hunting patrol returned, and for the first time in a while, every cat had eaten. Sandystar was impressed. What would we do without him? The clan was gathered now, and it was sun high. The greenleaf sun sat in the sky, beating down on the wood heap. Sandystar jumped onto a log.

"Cats of SkyClan! If we are to find shelter before sundown, we must leave now. Get the kits and follow Raphael,"

She ordered. Raphael dipped his head. He pushed through the crowd, and the SkyClan cats followed him. Sandystar brought up the rear of the group, so as to make sure Raindrip and Thymewhisker didn't fall behind. A tall hedge reached out in front of them. Raphael slunk underneath it, and the others followed without question. They really trust him now, Sandystar thought. She nudged Raindrip underneath the hedge, keeping her own ears clear of the branches above her head. Over the other side, a large stone path stretched out in front of them. Raphael stopped, halting SkyClan with a wave of his tail. Sandystar opened her mouth to call out to him, but was cut off as a gigantic creature zoomed along the path, faster than a fox. Surprised gasps broke out amongst the clan.

"What was that?"

Sandystar called. Raphael turned around to see her. She pushed through the crowd.

"A monster. They crush cats under their big black paws. But don't worry. They never leave the thunderpath."

Raphael said. Sandystar's gaze flicked between the thunderpath and Raphael.

"That thing? The thing we have to cross?"

She snapped. There is no way I'm putting my clan mates in danger! Another monster whizzed past.

"It's the only way to the forest. I won't let any cat die,"

Raphael promised. Sandystar was still uncertain. Two more monsters passed. Sandystar looked back at her clan fondly.


She nodded. Raphael dipped his head. He turned to the clan.

"We'll cross in groups of five. I'll cross with the first group, but then I'll come back,"

Ashleaf looked questioningly at Sandystar. She dipped her head.

"Cherrysong, Leafspots, Barnfeather and Greysquirrel will cross with me first,"

Raphael addressed the clan. He's only taking warriors first, clever. That way the rest of the cats will have more confidence once they see the warriors do it. The selected warriors came forward, looking slightly afraid.

"When I say run, run, and don't look back, and keep going until you get to the other side,"

The cats nodded in agreement, then turned to face the thunderpath. Another monster ran past.


Raphael called. He sprinted across the thunderpath, closely followed by the rest of the group. Sandystar sighed in relief as she saw them reach the other side. Raphael raced back across the path. He gasped for breath.

"Sandystar, you're next. Go with Fernpelt, Hazelpaw, Robinpaw and Tallheart,"

Raphael ordered, and Sandystar was surprised at how comfortable he was when giving orders to the leader. She didn't question it, though. Instead Sandystar took her place at the front of the thunderpath. The ground shook, and moments later a monster passed.


Raphael yelled. Sandystar sprinted across the hard surface, not looking back, just as Raphael said. Relief awakes over her as she reached the other side. Fernpelt and Tallheart reached the other side with their apprentices soon after. Cherrysong rushed up to her daughter and furiously licked her ears. Hazelpaw shied away.

Sandystar was impressed with the celerity at which Raphael got the clan across the thunderpath, encouraging the elders and carrying the kits. A warm feeling tickled her heart. He's such a great cat, she thought. She walked up to Raphael.

"We should rest here,"

Sandystar said. Raphael greeted her suggestion with a purr.

"Are you sure about that?"

Warrior Cats: SkyClan Returns #2Where stories live. Discover now