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A loud  sigh left my lips as my alarm screeched through the speakers of my phone. Waking up for work  was always a hassling moment to me regarding the fact that I never know which time I have to wake up for a shoot.

Hopping out of my bed I walk to my bathroom turning on the hot shower,
And jumping in sighing in relief as the hot droplets of water hit my skin and suds run down my body.

After washing up I get out and lazily pick out some nike leggings ,uggs and I throw on a hoodie,because I know they're going to make me change when I get to the shoot anyways. Hopping in my car I turned on the engine and headed towards my destination,turning on the radio I chuckled hearing one of Harrys new songs.

"The irony."I thought as my phone beeped looking down I chuckled seeing as it was of course Harry texting me but I soon frowned reading it.

Wanna go to dinner with me and iris?

Of course I didn't want to go but Harrys my kryptonite and I wouldn't ever admit that to anyone but my self. So I reply back saying

Of course I wouldn't miss spending time with my bf and his gf

I really wanted to throw up in my mouth reading how fake that text message was but I just locked my phone and continued driving.

Arriving to my shoot I immediately get pulled into make-up and wardrobe I hear Barbara talking to me about how my morning has went so far but my mind is drifting off to Harry I mean he's been my best friend since diapers but for the past years I've started to notice everything I like about him and I'm honestly so confused.

2 hours later

Finishing up my shoot I drive home and start getting ready for my dinner with Harry and Iris.

Me being me I take another shower and after getting out it takes me about an hour to do my makeup and I skim through my closet and on a two piece set. As I'm getting dressed my phone start to ring and I pick it up to see Harrys name on the screen. Pressing the answer button I put it on speaker  and get immediately hassled with questions.


Are you on your way

Do you need the directions

I sent you the address

I respond back saying

Im putting my shoes on

And okay stop hassling me.

Okay Luna just making sure you're on time and know where to go

Okay Harry okay I'll text you when I get there okay


Goodbye *hangs up*

Walking out of my house I get in my car once again and head to nobu with the address he sent me.

Arriving I text Harry telling him I'm here and he says to say I have reservations under styles, so I walk saying that I have reservations under styles and she leads me to the table where I'm greeted by Harry and Iris.

Well actually Harry gave me a greeting and Iris gave me a smile faker than Nicki minajs arse.

Sitting across from Harry and iris I realize I'm third wheeling extra hard but it honestly doesn't matter as long as I have my martinis to keep me company tonight cause I already know this is gonna be a long dinner .


ok so as you can tell that was the first chapter I'm not exactly satisfied with it but it's okay. Hope you enjoy.


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