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Continuing my dread I sat there while Iris talked about her recent jobs she got in the modeling field.

"Don't you model Iris.?" Harry asks

Uh yeah I've been modeling with the company IMG for 3 years now you've known this.

oh I forgot sorry

"Yeah you forgot but I mentioned it multiple times." I mutter under my breath

As the waitress comes around bringing our food I immediately get irritated by the narcissistic comment made by Iris.

"Aren't you suppose to be eating healthy, won't you get fat?"

I'm surprised I kept my calm and didn't slap her I mean that's the most ignorant annoying comment I've ever heard. So me being me I reply with.

"I've been in the game longer than you and not to be rude or anything but you don't know my diet or workout plan so don't ask dumb aśś questions." I say and start to eat my food.

Harry gives me a look of irritation and I just roll my eyes because he knows that I hate getting asked that question yet he didn't want to say anything when his girlfriend asked me.

"So Luna any relationships brewing" Harry asks me

I don't even know why he would even ask that , he knows that I have no relationship history so what makes him think I've started now.

"Well Harry you know I just don't date so."

He didn't respond after knowing that I don't want to go farther into the topic of conversation.

Soon enough,thankfully dinner ended and all I could think was why I'd agree to this.

I didn't even care if they were paying I just put money on the table and left , I guess you can say I was being dramatic but that whole dinner just made me aggravated.

Speeding in my car I got home and needed to relax myself, so I took a bath while blasting badlands on vinyl.

In the morning

Waking up I chuckled thinking about my dinner with Ms.Wanna be Suki Waterhouse  and captain lost boy .

Since today I had nothing on my agenda I decide to hit the gym since I didn't go yesterday , walking down to my gym I started blasting low life by the weeknd in my surround sound and got on the treadmill , while running i pondered over the thought of me and iris ever being friends with me having feelings for harry.

I mean i'm not going to judge her off of one dinner but she made me angry with her stupid comments and bītchy attitude. But maybe she's just acting that way because I'm his best friend and I'm a female . Honestly it doesn't matter to me because I've known him longer and nothing is going to break our bond especially not a relationship.

After all my thinking I got off the treadmill and got in the shower and let the hot water cover my body whilst i get lost in my thoughts. Once I get out my phone starts to ring and I pick it up not bothering to pay attention to the caller ID saying hello it turns out to be Harry asking if I want to go into town find some new records like we always do.

I say yeah and tell him to meet me on Ventura. For clothes I pick out a low back/backless romper ,black heels, and I put on a hat. Picking up my purse and phone I walk out getting into my baby , my 1957 corvette stingray and I blast the Rolling Stones you can't always get what you want while driving.

Arriving I see Harry next to his car scrolling through his phone so I yell out his name and he looks up smiling at me and says "you brought Betsy ?" And I said "why wouldn't I, I always bring her when we go thrifting or shopping for records and especially every time we come out to Ventura." |Betsy's her car|

"I know but you've been driving your range a lot ." He shrugs

"Mostly because that's what I like to use for work and to go out cause I don't want Betsy ruined she's a classic."

"Ok Let's go to Barnes vinyls, I asked him to put some stuff on reserve for us."

He puts his hand out for me to take and we walk to the store hand in hand .

Walking in to Barnes my eyes immediately light up at the sight of the records, classics from abbey road to let it bleed line the walls and vintage nick knacks + etc. hang on multiple racks.

Harry takes me hand and pulls me to the back where we find nick the owner and our friend who takes out the things that Harry had reserved. Looking at the stuff I see John Lennons milk and honey, I hadn't had it vinyl yet and Harry knew I wanted to get it so I was really happy.

Turning around I see Harry smirking at me and I tackle him into a hug nearly knocking him over ,but he's strong enough to keep us from falling .

"I knew you would like it." He whispers in my ear while chuckling.

I unlatch my legs from around his torso and punch him in the arm telling him

"Thank you but you really didn't have to find it for me ."

"I didn't have to but I wanted to"

"Once again THANKYOU. So much "

"Anything for my lulu" he laughs calling me my childhood nickname.

After about 30 mins of me saying thank you over and over again and Harry looking for records we end up with him buying Pink Floyds "the dark side of the moon" and me sticking with my record Harry found.

Buying our records we leave and decide to go to Mel's diner where Harry orders for me and himself and I end up eating all of his fries because my food didn't come with any, I notice Harry furrowing his eyebrows and looking out the window so I lean on his shoulder and ask what he's thinking about he answers me with a question.

"Do you like iris ?"

"Why wouldn't I , I've only met her once "

"Well you weren't so pleasant at dinner and I really want you to like her because you mean a lot to me and she means a lot to me to"

I wanted to die on the inside thinking about him caring for anyone else but me."Don't worry whoever makes you happy makes me happy" I sigh and say .

Ok so I ended this chapter weird I know my writing is a little bad but I hope it will only get better through this story and I hope this chapter was at least a little decent in writing

ps. ||i didn't put up her outfit for their day out and her car but I will put up those pictures in the next chapter .also the picture up there is what she wore to work out . Luna is played by Nathalie Paris.


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