Spartans in Athens

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 "Well, isn't this cozy, my only daughter hugging the enemy, and what is that? Did you hurt yourself dear? Do be careful next time, you're mother worries." My father walked through, flanked by warriors just as strong and mean looking as him. I felt blood trickle down my head and over my face, I ducked out from under Lacy's arms and scowled at him

"I don't care what either you or that Witch thinks," I spat, and he chuckled

"Take her and her friends back to base, have the woman dress them in proper attire, no daughter of mine will reek of sewers and blood," He told the guards, then left, they noded, then led us all out of the room. We walked past corpses, carneys, and prisoners

"See, unlike you dogs, we let people live when they surrender," One of the brutes growled at us, I shrugged

"So you keep them alive for torture, how is that any better than what we do?" I said. and he just pushed me along. They led us to a car just outside the walls, shoving us in and slamming the door, they got in the front, speeding away, forcing us to cling to the side of the van for our dear lives. When we finally got onto paved roads, the drive was easier, but I was still pissed they hadn't even chained us to the roof so we didn't fall and hurt ourselves. I looked around at my fellow spartans, Lacy was looking at the doors, her face closed and her eyes glacial, Carley was tearfully clinging to the van her beautiful hair dirty and limp around her face, and Kally looked both like she wanted to strangle someone with their own intestines, or she had to puke. Either way, I hoped she stayed on the other side of the van. I was the first to break the silence

"Jacobs, do you have a plan to get us out of here?" I asked, my voice terse, Kally turned to me and shook her head

"I called the council before the battle started, they're not sending any supplies or assistance in case of an attack, according to them if we can't do it, no one else will even try," she sighed and pinched her forehead, like she had a headache

"Men, we are now at the mercy of the Carneys, what we have to do is survive until an escape attempt presents itself, what will not do, is give in and let them take away what makes us Spartans," She said, and we all were silent for the rest of the trip, just listening to Carly try to muffle her racking sobs. When we stopped, the Carneys pulled us out of the back of the truck, and held a gun to each of our foreheads while they took the cuffs off. After they unlocked mine, I rubbed my wrists to get the blood to start flowing back to my fingers. I looked around at where we were, a giant house in the middle of the dessert, with a tall wall surrounding it, a lush garden in the front and high tech security on the gate. I heard another car come speeding up and looked around as my parents got out of the cute little vehicle and walked over, my mom's high heels clicking on the stone path leading to the gate. She smiled at me, then turned to the gate and unlocked it, we all filed inside, and then into the house. It was a big beautiful mansion with modern decor and paintings that looked worth more than anyone in that room. I turned to my father and sneered

"Now I understand, you didn't betray us all out of obligation, you did it because of all of this, the finery and the money," My father didn't respond, but my mother shook her head

"We worked hard to get here sweetie, and are very respected pillars in the community, but never forget that everything we do, we do for you, now," She turned to the guards

"Follow me, and when we get to my dressing room, you can wait outside the door, I'll ring if needed," They nodded, and that's just what we did, follow my mother's airy footsteps up the huge winding staircase to a room with a oak wood panel. My mother opened the door with a flourish, and I winced, lace and silks were piled everywhere, and the smell of lilacs was so thick in the air it made me want to puke. My mother motioned to the guard next to me, and he pushed me into the room. I stood there, practically shaking with checked rage, but she simply snapped her fingers and two girls came out of a room off the side of this monstrosity. The girls were obviously servants, and my mother chirped to them

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