Challenge of Happy

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 The next few weeks followed in a similar pattern, waking up, eating with Lacy, working on walking, slowly getting better. Eating and laughing with Lacy, possibly talking to Kally. Who had flown back to Sparta as soon as she knew I would be okay. Apparently, the officials in Sparta were comfortable simply sitting on their asses, not doing a thing about the hundreds of Spartans who had been massacred because of their stupidity.

"They think we deserved it," She told me, her eyes filled with fury one evening after I had eaten with Lacy

"That we failed, let them onto our base, and therefore deserved to be killed, it disgusts me, they do nothing, care about nothing, and then blame the people who die for being stupid enough to get killed. And I have to sit through it twenty-four seven lectures on the incompetence of my troops, oh, and how you betrayed Sparta and all of her people, it's driving me insane, I can't do anything," She said, her image slightly distorted on the screen I was viewing it on

"Well, what are we going to do? When I get back to Sparta, I'll just be blamed for the attack on the camp, they'll throw me in jail," I didn't let the fear show in my face, but it leaked out in my voice.

"Or you know, executed," She replied, I got up and started pacing around my room, slightly limping, the small screen that showed her face swiveled to follow my movements.

"We'll have to stay here until I can think of something, a defense, anything that can help, do you think you can delay the council from coming for me?" I asked her, she nodded

"I'll tell them your healing is taking longer than expected, that you won't be healthy for a few more weeks, will that be enough?" She asked, I made a noise of affirmation

"It will have to," And then hung up, falling back on my bed, letting out a sigh of relief. It still hurt to walk, even around my room, but I was getting the hang of it. I heard the door open, but didn't move, tired enough that all I wanted to do was sleep.

"Hey Min, wake up," I opened my eyes to see Lacy hovering over me, her blond hair hanging down around her face and her eyes the clear blue I had come to know so well.

"Hey, get up, I have a surprise for you," She said, smiling widely, her eyes sparkling like diamonds. She pulled me up, then handed me a package, wrapped in gold paper, with a bow on top.

"I know I'm really late, and you're birthday was a long time ago..." I cut her off by throwing my arms around her, squeezing her to me. She stiffened for a few seconds, shocked, before hugging me back.

"Will there ever be a time where we don't fight?" I asked, she pulled back to look at me

"Were not fighting right now," she said, smirking slightly, I shook my head

"No, not us fighting each other, I mean this whole thing, against Athens, against our leaders, will we ever just, I don't know, live?" I know what I sounded like, I was a soldier for fuck's sake, but I was acting like a petulant child. Lacy just smiled wider and took my hand.

"Just open the box, then, when you're ready, meet me in the hallway," She then turned around and left. I picked up the gift and tore off the paper to reveal a box, I opened that and the first thing I saw was a pair of boots, tall and black. Under those was a crimson cloak and plain black dress, I Pulled them out then put them on, looking in the mirror for the first time in days, I had been avoiding it for fear of breaking anymore out of rage, I had already broken three. My hair fell softly over one shoulder, almost blending into the soft fabric of the cloak, which stood out sharply against pale skin and mismatched eyes, making me look delicate, like I could shatter at any moment. I turned and walked out of the room, the soft fabric swaying after me. In the hall I was greeted by a small sign taped to wall next to my door, it had a an arrow on it. I followed it, and the next, and the next, until I came across a door with a star on it. I opened it to a little garden, full of life, in the middle of a freezing desert. In the center of it was Lacy, wearing the same armour, the silver metal shimmering in the starlight from the transparent roof above us, making us feel like we were outside in the Delphian night, without the disadvantage of freezing to death. Lacy smiled and motioned around us

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