Escape From Blades Edge

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 I rolled the cloth-covered cart into the room, past a burly guard who glared at me as I entered. I noticed only one camera in the room, but that, combined with the guard out front made for a delicate situation. Carly, Kally, and Lacy all looked up at me as I entered, Carly had tear streaks drying on her face, Lacy had a black eye and a busted lip, but her face was as determined as ever, and Kally just looked... defeated. I whispered

"Can I speak?" In the Spartan army this was code for Are there any Mics? Not many people knew this, not even the Thebans, and they were our closest allies. Lacy stated at this, but nodded, so did Kally. I nodded, and, as I was handing out the food, Paidakia and Pita bread, I started to speak

"I am going to start a loop on the camera, we will then have five minutes for you to get under the cart, roll out the door, and back to the servants kitchen, understood?" When they nodded, I slipped my hand in my pocket, turned on the loop, a small device that shows the last two minutes over and over again to any camera within fifty feet. Everyone sprang into motion, they got under the cart, grateful, I'm sure that it was a big cart, and I wheeled them out out, smiling at the guard as I left. I wheeled them done to the servants kitchen, breathing a sigh of relief when no one stopped me and no one was in the kitchen. Two minutes. They all got out of the cart, and we walked to the door. One Minute. And as we walked into the sun, time ran out and the cameras switched to their true time. As we ran to my parked car, chaos started, alarms blared and a flood of men came out of the front entrance shooting in our direction as we escaped. Before we got to the car, I heard a hissing sound as air flowed from a punctured tire, without thought, I changed direction, running to an abandoned helicopter, opening the door and climbing into the pilot's seat. As soon as everyone was in the vehicle, I lifted off, grateful, for once, that the Athenians were the frontrunners in aerial technology. If we had been in a Spartan clanker, it would have taken ages to get off the ground, but in this, we were flying above the clouds in minutes. I looked back at the others, Carly was clutching the seat, her face a sickly green color. The other two were slumped in their seats, exhaustion plain on their faces. I flipped the stealth switch, rendering our craft invisible to anyone or thing that tried to look for us.

"I guess it would be petty to say I told you so?" I said conversationally, Kally sighed

"Just fly the heli soldier," She said wearily, I smiled

"Roger that Ma'am, flying is now in progress," I said, my tone jovial. I charted a course for Delphi, my plan almost the same, I would seek asylum in the frozen wasteland, let my team rest, then fly to Sparta and get a squadron together to take back the camp, simple. No, it never is.

About six hours after we had escaped the house, Carly was curled up with her head on the door, sleeping. Kally was as well, but Lacy was wide awake with me, which she apparently took as the perfect moment to have a conversation.

"What was your life like? Before the bombing," She asked, I clenched the steering more tightly, but answered none the less

"I was surrounded by people who accepted me, who would have gone to the grave for me, no one doubted that I was a capable soldier, everyone just," I stopped, my breath hitching slightly

"They just trusted that I was, okay?" She made a sound of approval, and I relaxed, thinking the conversation was over, but nope, she was just digging for information.

"You've been a soldier since you were seven, right? Did you even have a childhood?" I ground my teeth, that question always made me annoyed

"Of course I had a childhood, it might have been a little more structured, but you know what, I was happy, I had friends who cared about me, a mentor who treated me like a daughter, I had everything," I growled, she was quiet for a few minutes, before saying

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