No HomeComing

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5 years Later

Juliana's POV

"Is your room all packed up?" My mom yelled from across the room.

"Yeah mom!" I answered while sighing and wiping sweat from my forehead. I smiled at all the work I've done with my room. Every single thing was packed up and ready to go. We were moving back to our old pack.

After all of these years, my mom figured that it was time to go back because we couldn't live among humans no longer, it wasn't safe. The first 3 years here was okay but the last two were scary and mom and I had to stay in town at hotels because we got word that there's has been 'human attacks against wolves' and we do not need any of that right now.

We just wanted peace and we always had peace back at our old pack. We'll sort of. As I sat back onto one of my brown packed up boxes i quickly tied my hair into a ponytail and thought about our old pack.

It was beautiful and huge. Mom and I lived in our own mansion which our old alpha is letting us get back. I couldn't wait to smell that familiar air again and see those familiar faces of my pack and...

I paused when I thought of two other people that I would love to see.

Toby and Wes.

I dug deep into my brain thinking back to 5 years ago. My childhood had to be the best years of my life so far because of those two boys. I loved them to death and I did not want to leave them. They were my world, even back then I knew I loved them. Wes was my protector, he always protected me and made sure I was safe and had eaten dinner every night and never got bruises when I would almost fall he would always catch me.
I had an emotional connection with the both of them.

And Toby.... I knew I loved that boy with every piece of me. He'd always kiss my head at night when he would think I already fell asleep, he would always hold my hand when I'm scared and he and Wes always protected me from his parents or my mom when they would try to separate us. We had some sort of a that we didn't understand but we knew even at that age that we had it.

I hoped so deeply that when I go back to my pack we could finish what we started. I wished we could continue with our friendship. I missed them dearly.

I hope they were okay after I left because I wasn't. I was in and out of the hospital like crazy and I would often fall asleep and wake up in the hospital. I would wake up and my mom would tell me I stopped breathing in my sleep. I still have nightmares about the boys and the last day I saw them.

After my mom and I left I sent the boys letters in the mail every single day. Even when I was in hospital I wrote to them and told them how much I missed them, how my body was giving out on me and most of all i needed to know if they were okay.

I never got a response from either one of them and I only stopped writing the letters last year. I told myself repeatedly that there had to be some mistake in the mailing or something, because there was no way that they didn't receive one letter and didn't reply to me, they loved me they wouldn't do that right?

I hoped.

I couldn't believe getting my period on the boys birthday is was separated us all. It wasn't my fault and I just hope we could reconnect and love each other again.

"Juliana?" I whipped my head around to see my mom standing in the doorway. I saw the u-haul people in the hallway moving our boxes around.

"Are you okay?" She asked walking over to me and sitting on a box next to me. She smiled sympathetically and put a comforting hand on my shoulder. "You were spaced out, I was calling you for a few minutes now." She whispered worriedly.

The Alpha's MateDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora