Chapter 1

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Arin's POV
It was a late winter night, and Dan and I were in the middle of recording. Dan was huddled up against my side, smiling and laughing tiredly at all the jokes we made. We were both cuddled up in a fluffy blanket; sometimes I would feel tired and start to go quiet, but Dan always made sure I stayed awake, and I did the same for Dan. I wouldn't be surprised if we both fell asleep while recording.

Dan's POV
It slowly grew silent in the cold room. I could've fallen asleep in an instant! I was that tired and comfortable. There was hot chocolate before me, half-emptied, which emitted a sweet, warm aroma through the room. If Arin and I weren't recording, we'd be sleeping.
We were laughing and joking around about what would happen if we just made out or fucked one day, when I heard Arin say, "But real talk? I love you, man."
"What?" He was probably just tired, or still joking around, but it caught me off guard nonetheless.
"You heard me!" Arin laughed at the shock in my face, and I smiled back. Arin was just so cute sometimes... Wait, Dan, are you really thinking like that? Hahah, I'm a bit tired myself, I guess.
"Yeah, but I just didn't expect that so suddenly!" I explained, still amused at our shenanigans.
"Well, too bad, then," Arin yawned.
"I guess so!" I giggled.
"Next time on Game Grumps, maybe we won't be so tired!" Arin stated enthusiastically.
"Don't count on it," I added, Arin then ending the episode.
"Do you really love me?" I asked as soon as we were free to talk outside of Grumps.
"Hell no!" Arin laughed, and I felt... Really disappointed, actually, and I guess it showed on my face.
"I mean, as friends, yeah!" Arin corrected himself, though I was still dissatisfied.
"Uhm, sorry, let's just keep recording," My face flushed red with embarrassment.
"Alright, but what's up?" Arin knew when there was something wrong. He always did.
"Not much, just recording episodes with my special little guy!" I joked, trying to release some of the tension from this situation.
"Are you sure? You look, uhm... Not... Happy..." Arin's voice trailed off, and he waited expectantly for an answer from me.
"Heh, I'm fine, really," I could hear in my own voice that I didn't sound fine.
"Dan, c'mon man, what's wrong?" He wrapped his arms around me, not letting me escape, not like I would've, anyways. I flinched at the sudden sensation. I was forced to cuddle up to him.
"I told you, nothing's wrong!" I meekly laugh in an attempt to make us both feel better.
"You're not gonna be freed until you tell me!" He held me tightly now, refusing to loosen his grip.
"You don't gotta know, I'm gonna be fine!" I argued with a weak voice; I was tired because of the time, and us working so late, not to mention that I was also sad and disappointed, and I didn't even know why! Was I in love with Arin?! No, no way, impossible.
"Please, Dan," he begged, his voice the saddest I had ever heard it. I couldn't stand it. If I just could be honest about everything...
"No, I'm fine," I found myself denying his help once again, but I did want to accept it, so badly I did.
"No, you aren't. I just- I just wanna help," he pulled me into a hug, and I felt my face burning red; though he had hugged me many times, and vice versa, it felt different with this newfound realization that maybe I loved him.
"Arin," I sighed, mentally preparing myself, "I think-" I hesitated, what if I was wrong to tell him this?
"What is it? Dan?" He whimpered; I guess it's too late to back out now.
"I- I think I might have feelings for you..." I finally hugged back, expecting to get pushed away.
    "What?" Arin was now the one who was surprised, yet he didn't let go of me.
    "A-Arin, is it okay if I say that I love you?" I ask his permission to say a few words, yet those words meant so much to me.
    "Dan? Where's this coming from?" Arin asked.
    "I-I don't know," I admitted, "But do you accept me?"
    "I don't know, either," I felt my heart cripple. Arin, please!
"Th-that's fine! I-it's fine, it's fine..." I felt myself start to cry a bit.
"Dan!" Arin seemed surprised; this night was full of surprises, "I'm sorry! Buddy, are you okay?"
"I s-said I was- I was fine, r-right?" I try to talk through tears.
"Shhh..." Arin cooed to me like I was a little baby, and I certainly felt like one, crying over something as small as this, "Dan, you're really special to me, and I hate to see you like this. Can I do anything to make you feel better in the meantime, while I think about it?"
"I-I'm sorry..." I apologize for my foolishness; Arin is straight, right?
"No, don't be... Please don't be sorry. I'm actually glad that you had that much courage to ask me! I wouldn't want to see my sexy widdle baby hurting inside!" He teased me with that nickname, making me hide my face in my hands.
My hands were pulled away from my face by Arin, who trapped them in his own hands, holding them behind my back, and leaning in close, teasing me, knowing he had me wrapped around his finger, and he whispered to me, "What's wrong, Danny?" He knew exactly what he was doing.
"Y-you're awfully, uhm, close, don't you think?" I stuttered out of nervousness this time.
"Does it," Arin leans in closer, nearly knocking us both down, "bother you?"
    "N-no," it kinda did, but at the same time, I wanted to see how far this could go.
    "Hehe, okay!" Arin gleefully accepted my answer.
    I left the air to be silent, as I don't have a reply as of now, but Arin broke the quiet atmosphere, "Is this okay?" He knocks us both down, still keeping my hands behind my back, and Arin ended up on top of me.
    "Mhm," I sighed in approval.
    "Wait," Arin realized, suddenly in a panic, all color draining from his face, and he could only utter one word, one name, "Suzy."

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