Chapter 8

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Dan's POV
    Arin had just kissed me! The sudden action filled me with shock, but why should it? We are dating, after all. It shouldn't get me this flustered, but it did.
"Happy?" Arin laughed a bit at my shocked expression.
"I- uhm..." I couldn't even give a straightforward response; I was just too surprised!
    "I think that's a yes," Arin gently brought my head closer to his.
    "A-ah..." I could only lay there in shock next to Arin.
    "What? You want more?" Arin kept his arms around me, refusing to give me any personal space.
    "I-uh..." I couldn't say anything without being stopped my myself.
    "What was that?" He stated seductively, which made me even more flustered and nervous.
    "Maybe I do," I muttered, blushing. I wasn't sure what I wanted, really.
"Maybe, hmm?" He questioned, talking slowly.
"D'awww, you nervous?" Arin asked softly, grabbing my hand tightly.
    "Maybe," I respond, lying. I was most definitely nervous.
    "No need to be," Arin smiled at me.
    "I know," I sighed shakily, and I hugged Arin close to me, partially hoping for him to comfort me.
    "You're my snuggle man," Arin laughed slightly, obliging with the position I put him in.
    "Hehe," I giggled; he made me feel so... Special.
"I like a happy snuggle man!" Arin ruffles my hair, making it even messier than before, if such a thing was possible, "Your hair is everywhere, man!" Arin laughed.
"Isn't it always?" I sigh quietly, thinking of how frustrating it could get.
"You're lucky!" Arin enviously looked at my hair.
"You're lucky. Your hair looks manageable!" I comb a hand through it.
"Well, we're both pretty fabulous!" Arin beamed.
"Fabulous?" I questioned his word of choice; fabulous is the last word I would choose to describe us! It was admittedly pretty amusing.
"Yeah, you got a problem with being fabulous?" Arin couldn't contain his laughter, and soon we were laughing like idiots, cuddling each other fondly.
"It wasn't that funny," Arin said in a joking manner, only making us laugh harder.
"A- Arin, this is what we pass off as a joke!" I realized, still unable to stop my laughter.
"Okay, okay," Arin took a few deep breaths to calm himself down, "Hahah..."
"I mean, we're pretty funny, I guess," I attempt to make him laugh, and succeeded with the most minute effort.
We eventually both stopped, our sides hurting. Now that we were relaxed, I could get more snuggles. I was almost on top of Arin by the time I repositioned myself. We were both nice and warm.
"You want a whole lotta snuggles!" Arin commented.
"Mhm," I simply hummed.
"Okay, snuggles, then!" Arin rolled on top of me, but he made sure I was still comfortable.
"Yaaay!" I cheer drowsily.
"Can we just stay here all day?" Arin requested, excited at the concept.
    "We can try to stay here for most of the day. We would have to get food, and go to the bathroom," I pointed out.
    "Well, besides that!" Arin compromised.
    "I'm down to clown with that," I agreed, loving the idea of Arin holding me tight all day.
"Alright!" Arin cheered.
"So snuggle-y!" I giggled, nuzzling into Arin's chest.
"Dan, you're just too cute sometimes," Arin hugged me to keep me in place.
"You know what?" I decided to be a bit braver.
"What?" Arin asked.
"I could definitely go for another kiss, this time with less fear."
"Yeah?" I knew he could hardly believe it.
"Mhm!" I smile.
And that's how we wasted our snow day.

Suzy's POV
    And so I sat, looking out the window and waiting for the snow to stop. I couldn't stay around Holly and Ross for too much longer; any kind of love reminded me of Arin. I have to stop thinking like that. I'm okay without him.
    "Hot chocolate?" Holly offered, seeing my conflicted gaze and silent demeanor.
    "I'd love some, thanks," I sigh, still not bothering to take my eyes off the powdery, white snow as it flutters down.
    "Hey, what's up?" Holly asked, worried about me.
    "I'm just... Still missing Arin, I guess," I avoid her gaze; how long would I miss him for?
    "Aww, I'm sorry," Holly put a hand on my shoulder, trying her best to comfort me.
    "It's not your fault," I still didn't look away from the snow falling gently.
    "Okay, I'm going to get the hot cocoa now," Holly left me to my lonesome for a few minutes while the drinks were prepared. All I do is watch the snow. It's starting to stop.
    Holly, Ross, and I were all sitting at the table, hot chocolate being carefully sipped as we spoke. Ross and Holly are just so perfect together. I can't stand it sometimes.
    "So, Suzy, according to the weather, you'll be free by tomorrow!" Holly informed me.
    "I had a blast, but sometimes I just want to get home already! I can barely wait!"
    "And Ross didn't even bother to," Holly shot a glare at Ross.
    "Hey, I'm here okay, right?" Ross sneezed as he said so.
    "You're sick, Ross," Holly laughs.
    "Heheh, cut him some slack!" I joke along, feeling a bit like the awkward third wheel, though neither of them seemed to really mind.
    "Stop yelling," Ross sniffled, clearly pretending to be sad.
"Okay," Holly chuckles at our shenanigans.
We sat for a little while longer, enjoying the warm silence, relaxing a bit, because why not? It's a snow day; what else is there to do? I still haven't gotten over Arin yet, but I'll keep trying. It can only get better from here.

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