The Unconventional Woman

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Part 1

Jubalie Carrison's POV- Friday

The tantalizing aroma of warm chocolate alerted me that the chocolate chip cookies I had been baking were nearly done. Glancing at the clock I could see it was nearing 2'oclock; the usual time the little neighborhood children returned home from school. Since it was a friday I thought good of it to have them freshly baked and warm when they came through on their way headed home from school. After all, it was what I was most loved for.

Walking into the kitchen I take a minute to pull on my oven mitten before opening the hot oven. Casting a glance over the pan of cookies inside I could see they were well baked to perfection. Carefully removing them I placed them on a plain white tray and waited for them to cool.

"Very good," I admired as I carefully arranged them on the tray, that way so the kids could have easier access to them without accidentally touching a neighboring cookie.


I picked up my telephone just before the third ring and answered it. It was my neighbor and friend who lived a block away Gloria.

"Hello Gloria how are you this evening?" I asked her.

"I could be better," I heard her say. My smile slowly grew faint. Anyone who knew Gloria was well aware of the fact that she was a highly negative, extremely critical and pessimistic person. But we were childhood friends and I was very much use to her ways.

"What makes you say that Gloria?" I asked.

"These grandchildren of mine are bout to run me stone crazy. I tell you, Tanika needs to do something with that youngest one of her's because that little heifer is a hoochie mama in the making. She hot as a firecracker, and hardheaded. Don't listen to me or her momma," Gloria said. I frowned and shook my head.

"No, no I'm sure if Tanika just took the time out to talk to Jacqueline she'd be just fine. Children are very attuned to the attention they receive from their parents which is why it is of utmost importance that Tanika takes as much time as needed to interract more with her children," I reasoned.

"Well that's easier said than done. You try having a 15 year old yelling and cussing you out every second of the day. I'm sorry, Tanika is my daughter true enough and I love her to death but I can't take much more of Jacqueline's mouth." I could hear the exhaustion and stress dripping from each word Gloria said.

"I know it's stressful dear but do try to hold out a little more for the sake of Tanika. We both well know the poor child tries her utmost best to provide for the four of her children and she depends heavily on you to provide a roof over their heads while she tries to make ends meet," I said. I could hear Gloria sigh heavily on the other end.

"You and I both know a mother bird has to let her chicks go eventually. And of all my little chicks Tanika is the only one still lingering in the nest," Gloria says.

"And every good mother bird knows never to release her little ones before they can fly with their own wings," I retorted.

"Well I do declare if you're not the most softest old lady In all the world. I tell you Juby, how you never came to have a house full of little brats running around I'll never know. Tell me again why you never had any," I cringed, having should have known this subject would come up. It always did whenever the two of us discussed Gloria's kids or grandchildren.

"I-" Before I could even muster up an answer a small knock at my door caught my attention.

"Granny, are you there?" It was a small yet oh so familar voice that called out from behind my front door. A smile graced my lips.

"It's that time already?" I asked myself, glancing up at the clock.

"What? Oh, right I forgot. Those little neighborhood crumb-snatchers have come to mooch off of you again," Gloria spat. I frowned.

"Now Gloria, don't speak ill of the little ones. They're as innocent as doves, and sweet as pie and I enjoy seeing their little faces light up with joy everytime I give them treats," I defended. Gloria scoffed.

"If you say so Mother Goose. Good luck finding them once the cookies and cupcakes run out. But honestly though Jubalie, if you love children so much why in Sam Hill didn't you just have some of your own?" Gloria exclaimed.

I bit my lip nervously unsure of how to answer before another small knock and cry from beyond my front door caught my attention.

"Alright negative Ann, I'll call you some time later this evening but right now my babies await me," I said. I chuckled when I heard Gloria sigh loudly.

"Well have at it mother Mary," Gloria said. I chuckled as I said my goodbyes and hung the phone up.

I gently picked up the tray of cookies and headed toward the door. Upon opening my front door I couldn't help but melt at the sight of the little faces that beamed up at me in excitement and expectation.

"We got worried granny, usually you be right here when we come," A boy named Tamar said.

"Yes we was worried," another boy named Liam echoed.

"Not to worry my darlings grandma wouldn't forget her children," I smiled honestly loving the idea of being regarded as their make believe grandmother.

"I smell cookies," A sweet little girl by the name of Sarah chirped.

"Correct. Can you tell me what kind?" I asked. By now all three little noses were in the air sniffing about.

"Chocolate!" All three chirped enthusiastically.

"Correct!" I chuckled.

"Yay, we got it right," Sarah cheered.

"Yes you most certainly did and as a reward I present you three with a silver tray of chocolate chip cookies," I announced in a butler like accent, lowering the tray down to their wanting little hands.

"Thanks granny."

"Thank you granny."

"Thank you grandma."

"You all are so very welcome. Now careful on your way home," I warned them as three little bodies made their way off my porch step and toward their respective homes.

"We will," Was the answer I received as I watched them disappear. Once I was sure they were well at home or just reaching such my smile died.

"I've been doing this for so long so why does it get harder and harder each time?" I asked myself as a wave of depression washed over me.

Stepping into my home I slowly closed my door and locked it before leaning my back against it resting my head on it. Carefully I ran a hand against my belly and felt the distinguishable scar that ran along my lower abdomen. Gloria's words ran through my head as I felt the obtrusion.

"Believe me Gloria...I wanted children more than anything in the world," I whispered before the tears began to fall from my eyes.

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