The Unconventional Encounter

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Part 3

Jubalie Carrisons POV- Saturday

I could smell the aroma of fresh prinesol wafting around my home. It was something about cleaning up my house on a weekend that made it smell that much better. Looking at the fridge I pick up a black marker and cross off cleaning from my list of chores to do today on my chore list.

"Alrighty, house is sparkling and spotless. Trash is taken care of. Dishes are clean and packed neatly away. Now all that is left is to take out my ingredients for dinner," I mumbled to myself as I opened the refrigerator. To my utter surprise it was almost barren.

"Oh dear that's not good, I would've thought my groceries would have lasted me til next week but I suppose not," I said tsking as I closed the refrigerator door. Opening the drawer below the kitchen counter I retrieve my pad of paper and a spare pen before sitting down at the counter, preparing to make a list of groceries to buy.

I carefully thought about what was needed as I wrote down my selections.

Ten minutes later I was grabbing my purse ready to head out the door when a knock startled me. It was pretty unusual for the children to knock on my door during the weekends due to them busily wearing themselves out down at the local playground.

Answering the door I can't even begin to mask my surprise when I see that it is infact Jacqueline standing on my doorstep.

"Jacqueline honey what a pleasant surprise. How are you?" I asked offering a hug to her which she accepted.

"I'm fine miss Carrison," She said shyly. I smiled at her.

"Well I'm glad to hear that sweety. Oh was there something you needed me for?" I asked her.

"Oh, um...not especially. I see that you're about to leave so I'll just...go," She said casting her eyes at the floor before turning away and walking down the porch steps.

"Hey, Jacqueline are you busy?" I called after her. She stopped dead in her tracks.


"You honestly eat this crap miss Carrison?" Jacqueline asked as she eyed my choice in yogurt with disgust.

"I surely do, and not only is it good but it's also good for you too," I smiled as I pushed the cart along with Jacqueline following close behind me. Today I had the honor of miss Jacqueline accoompanying me to the grocery market today. I thought it'd be nice to get her out of the house and plus I could use the extra help with lifting the heavier things.

"Yuck, I mean I do like yogurt but not this crap. This junk is gross, my granny eats this stuff too and I never liked it. She got mad at me once because I threw one away, said I was ungrateful because I wasted a whole cup of yogurt," Jacqueline laughed at the memory and I smiled shaking my head. I could only imagine how hectic it got in Gloria's household at times.

"Well she's right you know, plenty of children would have loved to have eaten that yogurt cup you threw away," I said. She only shrugged.

"Well they can have that crap I ain't eating it," I didn't remark to that but instead stopped and opened the freezer to retrieve my much loved almond milk.

"Yuck," Jacqueline said when she saw what I was reaching for causing me to chuckle.


Thirty minutes later and my cart was full.

"Alrighty my dear time to go check out," I said smiling at Jacqueline.

"Ok," She nodded.

"Hm, oh no I forgot something," I gasped.

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