The Unconventional Rescue

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Part 4

Riven Vlair's POV-Saturday

"Oi, lookie what we got here," Riel whistled as he stood before two of the rogues. "You pups been causing quite a stir ya know."

"Oh bloody hell, vampires," One of the rogues groaned.

But I momentarily blocked out everything else besides the weeping woman who lay brusied and beaten before me. Glancing beside her I see that there is a significantly younger woman who was just as equally worn out laying next to her.

"Attacking a defenseless woman and her granddaughter, how tasteless," I remarked with a jaded expression. They all three shot me apprehensive glances as I slowly rose to my feet. My night just shifted from bad to worse all in the span of ten seconds.

"You naughty puppies are tresspassing on vampire territory ya know. That's an offense deserving of death," Riel teased them. They visibly tensed.

"Fuck you both, we will do as we please," One of them snarled as he rose to his feet. "Tonight is shit, do you hear me shit!" He roared as his body began to bulge and convulse. Seeing this the other two followed suit.

My face twisted into one of repulsion. A werewolves transformation from man to beast was a sickening sight to behold.

Standing before us were three overgrown canines that snapped their teeth and snarled deeply in our direction and neither I nor Riel flinched. Riel only proceeded to taunt them further riling them up.

"Riel, quit being a nuisance and let's just hurry this along shall we?" I suggested working out the kinks in my shoulder.

"Ai you're no fun mate, but I hear ya no use in playing with you lot anymore yeah?" Riel said cracking his neck. Infuriated, the three wolves charge at us. The one nearest to me comes snapping it teeth at me and I easily capture his entire jaw in the palm of my hand before crushing it. Blood splurted all over my hand as his body shook violently before going limp.

"Disgusting," I remarked as I allowed it's body to fall to the floor with a wet thud. "But I suppose now you'll know better than to bare your fangs at a vampire king hm," I said to it's lifeless body.

"Riel are you done yet?" I threw over my shoulder as I looked back down at the two humans who lay before me.

Riel was in the midst of slamming one wolf repeatedly into a tree with brutal vigor all the while holding it by it's legs as he did so. Before long it was reduced to nothing more than a bloody pile of mush that splattered everywhere. Next Riel turned his attention to the last remaining rogue that was trying desperately to crawl away after Riel crushed his hind legs and went after the other rogue.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming," Riel said just before picking up the rogue and snapping it's neck who gave a yelp before falling dead at the vampires feet. "Woo nothing like busting some rogues balls to top off a night yeah?" Riel commented but I ignored him as I kneeled back down toward the older woman and noticed that her tears hadn't stopped even though she was still unconcious.

"Jac...quel.ine," The elderly woman mumbled.

"Jacqueline?" I repeated as I frowned at her. I glanced at the young girl beside her. Ah, so that was Jacqueline.

"Jac...queline," The woman repeated again as more tears came. Her lips quivered and her body shook and trembled as if she were experiencing a nightmare. I didn't miss how her frail hand twitched prompting me to touch it. Oddly enough, despite her hands aged appearance it was very soft and delicate.

"Yes, yes Jacqueline is fine now," I didn't know what urged me to say this. And I highly doubted that the woman even heard my words. But to my ever surprise her trembling ceased and a very faint and tired smile adorned the womans lips as she whispered in the faintest breath:

"Thank you."

And just like that her body slackened completely.

My previously wide eyes narrowed as I studied the woman closely.

"This one is...strange," I commented scrutinizing every inch of her face.

"Strange nothing, they're just lucky that we came along when we did," Riel whistled. And he was right. Rogue killings were not uncommon and in fact happened frequently, often with the victims left in pieces scattered about.

With a dismissive grunt I gently cradled the woman bridal style in my arms careful not to hurt her anymore than she already was and began to walk off toward my home. I'd had enough adventure for one night.

"Hey hey, and just where do you think you're going with that human?" Riel questioned.

"Home,' I answered.

"What? Are you mad? Do you know what kind of fuss you'll stir up if the other vampires catch you carrying a human around with you?" Riel asked incredulously.

"We both know you couldn't care less Riel" I scoffed knowing he didn't.

"Damn straight I don't mate, wait up," He snickered before picking up the youngest human and hurrying along side me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2016 ⏰

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