The Unconventional King

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Part 2

Riven Vlair's POV- Friday

The woman moaned lightly as a rosy tint dusted her cheeks. I barely felt as her small hands clinged on to my shoulders as her mouth opened and closed worldlessly. But I heeded none of this for the simple fact that my main goal was to endulge myself in the sweet blood that flowed from her veins. Yes, currently I was feeding from this woman. It wasn't until she boldly dared to reach up and caress my hair did I dislodge my fangs from her delicate neck and push her away. Dejectedly she stumbled backwards in a daze before blinking away her groggy state.

"That is all," I said adjusting my collar and sitting upright on my throne.

"But-" She started before I curtly cut her off.

"Your usefulness has run dry. You are dismissed," I said gazing down at her with cold scrunity. She swelled up in offense as she began to gather up her belongings in anger.

"Don't forget your end of the deal," She bristled.

"Ah yes," I said in a jaded tone as I fished around in my pocket for a small purple bag containing the amount of money I promised her. "For your troubles," I said tossing it to her. She fumbled for it before ripping it open and counting the green stash in front of her. Sparing me one last glance she turns away and hurries out of the door. I sneered as I wiped away at my lips instinctively.

It was the same, it never changed. Even after the many decades of being alive nothing in this bloody world ever changed. Women were still whorishly selling themselves to men and men were still the two legged dogs of the earth that bought them. And what's worse, I attracted these kinds of people like moths to a flame.

The only real benefit to this was the easy access I had to their blood. So long as the victim was willing, partaking of their blood was less of a hassle as opposed to someone who wasn't. Needless to say that's the only use I saw befitting for them. That was all I could see in the creatures called humans. They were nothing more than a food source for my people, a nourishment one could even call them. But nothing more.

"Sire, Duke Riel is requesting your presence down in the foyer. Shall we tell him to leave your majesty?" My life long butler and guardian Rauf announced. I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose in agitation.

"No, because he'd only come back," I growled as I rose from my throne and headed down toward the foyer. As I walked down the hall I couldn't help but notice the commanding presence of one of my father's many centuries old portraits of himself drawn by the great Sielsel Gasby himself.

My eyes twinkled in admiration of the strong and daunting man that was my father. Although slain and at rest his legacy still lived on in the hearts of many of his followers and as his son it was my job as heir to carry on that legacy. A small wave of confidence momentarily overtook me before it disappeared just as suddenly as it had came.

It would be an insult to my father to even think I, his pathetic mistake of a son, had what it took to even come close to his level. I was father's failure, but because I was oldest his throne was mine.

Once down at the foyer I wasn't surprised to see a childhood acquaintance standing their eagerly awaiting me.

"Riven baby, it's been far too long," He said as he approached me and pulled me into a hug which I didn't hesitate to break.

"And the reason for your illy timed visit this time is?" I questioned him straightening out my vest. He gave me a playful sigh.

"Curt and to the point as always aye my old friend? No worries, I don't intend to trifle with the staff today if that's what you're so on edge about," My eyebrow twitched as I watched him shoot a sly grin at the maids that were busy dusting away at the marble busts that decorated the foyer. I cleared my throat in agitation as I watched them smile flirtaticiously at him.

They quickly departed the foyer leaving Riel and myself alone. Last time, Riel ended up impregnating one of the maids. That was quite a stressful period in time that I swore never to allow to be repeated again.

"If not that then to what do I owe the visit?" I asked him again. Quick as a flash all signs of playfulness and jesting were gone as Riel's face grew grave.

"Reports have been coming in. Rogues have been spotted loitering about the border. Their spottings have become more frequent these last few months. Usually by now they would have come and gone but it seems a particular group of them have been dwaddling about. That can't mean anything good," He informed. I scoffed.

"What, a small pack of rogues actually have you frightened?" I smirked. He shrugged.

"Not especially but come now, is that really a good look for you and I? People will begin to think we're soft if we let a puny pack of rogues break our rules," Riel said.

"True, but I'm not up for needlessly intercepting them. Once they reach city line then I might just acknowledge their presence but until then I have no issue with them dancing around the border," Riel laughed at my remark.

"Cool as ever aye mate," Riel said and I smirked.

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