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Miranda's pov

I walk out of class and leaning against the wall is the jerk who broke my heart. He walks over when I walk out. I hold back getting mad but a tear slips from my eye. "I'm gonna tell everyone about you. So you can't hurt another girl like me. If people knew the truth about you-" "You don't even know the truth about me." He interrupts. Huh? What's he talking about?! I don't even care. "You're a jerk, Jason." I say, stomping away. "I know." He says. I stop in my tracks. "W-Wait, you know?" I turn back around. He sighs and nods. "I've been a complete and total asshole to ya. Can I just have one chance to explain why?" Damn my always being nice!! "Fine, you have five minutes." I say, crossing my arms. "I do the things I do because I'm afraid to get in a relationship..... I'm afraid to love someone again only for them to be torn away from me like Annie!" Huh? "Who's-" "My girlfriend. She died in a plane crash and I haven't been the same since.... But last night she came to me in my dreams.... I mean I know it wasn't really her but..... Well I promised her I'd at least try.... And you're the only girl..... I have ever thought about after a one night stand.... Other than Annie of course." I'm completely shocked. His girlfriend died. That must have been so hard. No wonder! It makes perfect sense now why.

Jason's pov

I don't know why I'm wasting my time. I was a complete monster to her. "Jason, I'm sorry about Annie. That must have been really hard." I'm surprised she even cared. "I'm sorry about what I did to you. I shouldn't have-" "I understand though. After what you've been through." My jaw drops. "Wait..... You forgive me?" "I never said that. I don't trust you anymore but I understand where you came from. I'm sorry but it's gonna take some time before I can forgive you." A tear falls down her cheek. I close the distance and hug her. "I'm sorry. I hope..... One day you can forgive me and we can try again." "I have to go." She says, pulling free.

Sierra's pov

Miranda runs in the room, making both me and Rachel jump. "What's wrong girl?" I gasp. Rachel and I sit beside our best friend to comfort her. "What happened?" Rachel asks. "Nothing. I just I'm gonna skip the next couple days." She says, laying down and crying into her pillow.

Jason's pov

I hope Annie isn't still disappointed in me. "I'm really trying girl. I just gotta wait now." The door is thrown open. That blonde friend of hers is standing there. "Luke ain't here right now." I say. "I'm not here to see Luke. What did you do to make my friend cry!?" Huh? I hope she didn't tell her! "What do you mean?" "She won't talk to us. And she said she's just gonna skip a few days. Do you know why?! What did you do?!" She didn't tell them. Thank God. "No never mind. I don't care. Just leave her alone!" This girl is starting to piss me off. She turns to leave. "No." She freezes and turns back around. "No? What do you mean no?" "No I'm not gonna listen to you. I am gonna try to make it work between us and you can't stop me." I think I just made a mistake telling her that. "You leave her alone. I can make your life a living hell!" Just then Luke gets here. "What's going on hun?" He asks. "I'm gonna end up going to jail for murder." She said, glaring at me.

*later that night*

"See baby this is what I get for trying." I mutter, sighing. Someone knocks on the door. Luke rolls over but doesn't wake up. I guess that means I'm answering. But why is someone here at this hour? I open the door and am shocked to see Miranda. She's crying. "What's-" She hugs me, catching me off guard. "Thanks for being honest with me earlier." She says. "Y-You're welcome." I mumble. I invite her in and we sit on my bed. "I don't wanna be like that anymore." I say. She holds my hand. "Jason, if you'll let me, I can help you." I'm scared to. "B-But if I love someone else..... It would mean... I d-don't love Annie anymore." "No, it doesn't mean that, Jason. You'll always love her. She'd want you to be happy!" My breath catches in my throat. I lock eyes with that girl. "Th-That's what she said." I finally say. She smiles. Tears in her eyes. She stands up. "Where are you going?" She wipes her eyes, still smiling. "I promise you this Jason. When you're ready, I'll be waiting. I will wait for you. I promise." I stand up, shell shocked. "Why? I was a jerk to you!" She hugs me. "I'm a good person and so are you, Jason. Come find me. When you're ready." She walks out without another word. Why is she so nice to me?! I don't deserve it! I sit back on the bed. That girl is a saint.

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