A Broken Cowboy

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Jason's pov

I'm sitting in class thinking of Annie and what's happened since then. It's weird to think about being with someone else but.... I'm glad. She totally changed my life. I would've still been a player. I'm glad I'm not anymore. I hear someone calling my name. I look up. It's the professor. "Uh.... What?" The class laughs at me. "You were called to the office over the intercom." Oh jeez that's embarassing. I walk down to the office. The dean looks upset. "What's going on?" "Your girlfriend's name is Annie right?" Huh?! My blood runs cold. "W-What's going on?" I back up. "I'm sorry to have to tell you this but she's dead." What the heck is going on?!

*he wakes up*

I shoot up in my seat, screaming Annie's name. Then I realize I'm back in class. I must've fallen asleep and had a nightmare. I run out the door, leaving everything at my desk but my phone. I get back to my dorm room, fighting back tears. "God, Annie why'd you have to go?! I was countin' on forever, now...... I'll never know!" I lean my forehead against the window. The cold glass making me colder than I already am. "I miss you so much Annie. I can't sleep. I can't think. I need you back."

Miranda's pov

Someone texts me telling me that Jason freaked out and ran out of his class. Huh? That's unlike him! I quickly go to his dorm room. Hm, I still haven't seen Luke in a while. I run through his door.

Jason's pov

I jump slightly when someone puts a hand on my shoulder. "Jason, you okay? I got a call." I'm not okay. I won't ever be okay again. I'm going home. "I..... No..... I'm not okay. I have to go back home. I've got to do a few things." "What's going on, Jason?" "I.... I'm sorry.... I'm just I can't stop thinking about Annie." "Wait are you gonna come back?!" "I..... Don't know."

Miranda's pov

He's upset about that girl. I understand but.... I don't want to lose him. I hug him from behind, my head resting on his back. "Please... Come back. I'll miss you." He hugs me back. "I'm sorry if I don't. This is all just really hard for me." I fight back the tears. "I hope you aren't mad." He says. "No I'm not mad. I hope you find what you're looking for back home." He wipes the tears from my cheeks. "You're an extraordinary woman. You shouldn't have to wait around for an idiot like me." That only makes me want to cry. "You're not an idiot, Jason! And I will wait for you. Because I love you." A tear falls from his eye. "And even though she's gone, she didn't stop love you..... Because love never dies." He smiles. "Thanks for being so understanding." He kisses me goodbye and grabs his guitar. "I will wait for you no matter how long it takes." I say, grabbing his hand.

Jason's pov

I don't want her to waste her life on me. I set my guitar back down and grab her hands. "Don't waste your life waiting for me. I'm not the right guy for a sweet girl like you." "Jason, wait just take this." She takes her necklace off. "What's this?" It says love never dies on it. "I uh... Well it was at my grandma's funeral. My aunt gave it to me." I grip it tightly in my fist and hug her. "Take care of yourself." She whispers. I choke back the tears. "You too babe."


I get back to Macon. My life is falling apart. Ever since Annie died. I'm surprised to see Luke. "There ya are man. Where have ya been?" "Here. Family crisis some bullshit like that." He mutters, shrugging. "What about you?" "I don't want to talk about it." I head to the cemetery. My hands shaking around the necklace. "I'll never forget that girl." I whisper. "Are you talking about Annie or Miranda?" Luke asks, making me jump. He must've read the headstone. I stuff the necklace in my pocket. "Both girls. I guess. But right then I was talking about Annie." He rests a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry about your girl, man. I wish I could make this easier." I sigh. "I just.... When you get back, tell her I'm sorry." I get back home and sleep off the rest of today.

*in his dream*

I feel like I'm drowning but there's no water. I was running but I don't know where. Then I smelled smoke. I ran in the direction and hit my knees. Her wreck. Annie! I run to the plane and try as hard as I possibly could but I couldn't get to her. She was backed against the far wall, fire surrounding her. I pounded on the glass. "Annie!!" I scream. But no matter what I try to do, there's no way to get to her! Then the plane disappears, replaced by my dorm room. Someone is asleep in my bed. I shakily walk over and pull the blanket back. Long blonde hair. My hands are shaking. "Annie." I whisper, sitting beside her. "Oh Annie I'm so sorry I couldn't save you." She hugs me. "You weren't meant to save me. Please Jason, I want you to be happy and you aren't going to be happy coming back here. You'll just get more and more depressed." I hug her tight. "I love you Annie." "I love you too..... But there's someone who loves you too.... And right now she needs you." She waves her hand and somehow I can see Miranda crying in her dorm room. I was such a horrible boyfriend to her. "She doesn't deserve me." I say, looking away. But Annie pulls me back forcing me to look. "Yes you are. She is your other half. She's the girl who's destined to save you. Please Jason don't fail me." My eyes fill with tears. "Oh Annie!" "Promise me." I shakily stand up. "I promise you girl, I will do this for you. Because I love you and I love her too."

*he wakes up*

Wow that dream was so vivid. I know what I have to do. I'm going back to Georgia tech.

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