Chasing Ever After

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Louis has been gone for a few months since New Year's Eve after finding Harry drunk and about to sleep with Emma. Though, with her out of the picture for good, he still isn't convinced to come back to the band―especially Harry as he feels betrayed by the one he truly loved. He sets off to find love. Modest! Management employ new people as Roger got fired―Paul is back to guard the lads along with a few other men, considering the boys can't stay in one place altogether.

They prepare for the tour and eventually take off to go all over the world. The lads are still not allowed to be with one another in public though both couple from the band are over so, Simon thought everything would stay quiet for a while.

Danielle and Liam face their own problems that roll around the engagement as Liam tried to comfort Harry―along with the others lads as he puts himself in the middle, surrounded by their problems―he realizes that the younger lad seems to be forgetting a few things here and there―maybe his amnesia once more?

As the boys face themselves, their fears, darker secrets, prison, stupid meaningless tattoo's and coming out to the public they realize that all of it isn't as easy as it should have. Modest! is ready to do whatever it takes to make these guys their own puppets as they pry Simon away from the band.

Will the lads ever get a break? Will they ever get what they deserve? Most of all―will they finally get a happy ending?

Chasing Ever After DRAFT - 2021 OFFICIAL VERSION COMING SOONWhere stories live. Discover now