Chapter Ten; Little Things

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Chapter Ten; Little Things

-Another month later


"Thanks for meeting with me."

I look up from my mobile to meet the bright eyes of Aiden, as he takes a seat in front of me, placing his coffee down on a napkin. I've been sitting in the café for almost an hour waiting for his ass to show up. If he would have kept me waiting any longer I would have left. I don't know much about Tennessee and the people here, the last thing I need right now is for a bunch of fans to recognize me and chase me down the narrow streets. Paul forced me to bring supervision though I told them to stay very low key.

"After everything I figured it's the least I could do," I tell him, letting go of my cellular and placing it into the back pocket of my jeans.

"How've you been?" He asks, keeping his stare on mine. "You look well."

I'm not sure if he's being sarcastic due to the fact that I haven't combed my hair this morning nor have I took the time to shave my three day old beard.

"I've been well," I say.

It's true; the past month has been going better than the last. A few things remain the same between the other band members but it's not like we can't fix that or improve on the situation. We work as a group and we've managed to try and work out our problems together. It would simply be easier if we haven't kissed four out of five members each―in a sense. I believe that everything will eventually fall back into place.

"And how have you been?" I ask, not wanting to sound rude.

Part of me is unsure why I am even here and why I agreed as I felt the need to lie to Harry earlier and tell him that I was going to the gym―thank goodness he decided to stay in bed and not join me.

Things have been alright with the lad, we've been going on with our skinny-loving, only giving in here and there to a few steamy make out sessions. Since the last time we slept together―that night in the shower―Harry has tried to keep a distance. He really is sticking to the whole 'I don't want to sleep with you while you're smoking, it's gross' faze. I told him I'd quit when I want.

I've been stopping, seeing Harry and not being able to touch him is hard.

His memory is clouded from time to time due to the medications, though they're should be improvements. At least, that's what they say. I wouldn't know, this whole thing seems to be somewhat fucked up and doesn't seem to ever end. I tend to feel like I can't just relax around Harry. There is always something going on or about to go on and honestly, it is getting pretty hard to keep track of every little thing. Though, I know that it doesn't matter whether he remembers our long nights and passionate sessions or not because the feelings are still there, igniting the flame that we've managed to keep feeding. A lot has happened between the two of us and sometimes I even tend to forget some details and I guess that's alright. We grow older and we've matured quickly due to everything coming at us so fast and quite heartbreaking.

Harry is the one I want and I will fight management.

After that, the world is next.

"I've been alright," Aiden replies, pulling me away from my thoughts. "I have to talk to you about something though, it's kind of serious and I need you to trust me."

I frown, picking at my chewed nails, "what do you mean?"

He takes a sip of his coffee before speaking, "I mean that you may want to reconsider your relationship with Harry."

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