The Akuma

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"What the hell?!" Adrien yelled and pushed his own father away from Marinette.
"You can't just slap girls like that!" He shoved him, and the guards pulled him back. Marinette stood there, her glare becoming harder and deadlier.
"What are you doing here? Framing innocent girls for something you did?" she said, trying very hard to snarl. But what was she doing? This was not her.
Hopefully Alya caught that on tape.
But Alya's phone was snatched by one of the guards.
The President stared at her. Maybe he's decided she wasn't worth it. She was simply a fashion designer wannabe, wasn't she?
He stood up, brushing specks of dirt off his white suit.
"Very well then. Adrien, Chloe get in the car," he said.
Adrien hesitated and was escorted by guards into the limo along with a dramatic and crazy Chloe.
She saw the guilty look of Adrien from the window before she pushed aside the crowd, crawling back into the tent.

Tikki crawled out. "I do not think Adrien's father would approve of you, Marinette," she whispered and then pressed her soft red cheek against mine. "But still, don't worry."
Marinette ignored Tikki and rolled over, her cheek still stinging.

She thought of transforming into Ladybug and giving the President a good spanking. But Tikki wouldn't allow it, so...

She heard the tent zipping open- and Alya stepping in.
"Marinette?" she asked. "Are you alright?"
"Besides from eating slapped by the richest man in Paris, I'm perfectly fine. I don think I even like Adrien anymore," Marinette groaned. It was the truth!
Alya sat next to her.
"What do you-"
"I said I hate Adrien! And his ****** father!" she yelled angrily, causing Alya to give her a shocked look and get out.

She closed her eyes, and true feelings of hate started to develop in her gut.

She though got she saw a glimpse of a black butterfly outside the tent- hallucinations, probably.
But it got real when it flew in. Tikki was asleep.
She threw her things at it, her heart creeping up her throat.
It simply ignored and landed on her box of marbles- and the deadly things spread like wildfire, above Marinette's arm. She screamed.

Then everything went black.

-I have been given writing lessons by Satan himself.-admin

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