Chapter Twenty-Nine: Falling Apart

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~Chapter Twenty-Nine: Falling Apart~

Avoiding Ryland is a lot harder than I expected. Before the deal was made, it was as easy as staying home or sticking around the college. But now, he knows my entire schedule and has no reason to stay away. After all, part of the deal is that I give him a chance and avoiding him is a big no-no.

Since that is exactly what I am trying to do, everything is ten times harder than it needs to be. I could call Dylan, let him know that I need a place to stay for a few days, but I have classes and he has the witches to deal with. They paid the pack another visit Tuesday morning, going after some of the lower members of the pack instead of talking to Dylan directly. No matter how ignorant he can be with cats, my friend is not stupid and caught on quickly. Once again, the witches were sent on their way, with the promise of returning at a later date. No need to add to his problems by bringing a pissed off lion into the mix. He would happily do it – though, maybe not happily once he found out why I am avoiding Ryland – but he would never admit to me when it became too much for him to handle.

I am not sure if Ryland is angry yet or not, but that is only because I have not taken any of his calls or even talked to him since Monday morning. I even get Cameron to give me a ride to my cabin on Monday night, since I was too worried to face him alone. Some people say that knowledge is the best way to arm yourself. But really, the information I have gained is doing the exact opposite by trying to take down the defenses I already had set up. I wasn't supposed to be attached to him by the end of our deal.

All I told Ryland is that I had to stay a little later and would not need a ride home, via text. While he was reluctantly to not pick me up, he relented. Because of that, it was easy to avoid Ryland on Monday. Tuesday was a little harder. While I drove myself to school, Ryland called multiple times later that day to see if I would come over for dinner. I replied to none of his voicemails, worried that if I talked to him, he might manage to convince me to visit. Ryland would pick up on my concern almost immediately, since body language cannot be so easily overridden.


I snort, "Nice joke. Now, if you don't mind, I have a class to attend."

"Cade, I'm serious," Cameron says, grabbing my shoulder once more to stop my attempt to leave. I glance down at my watch in a not-so-subtle gesture of my time being wasted. There is no way Ryland and I are bonded.

"Then you're crazy," I decide, shrugging off his hand. It's not because I think he is wrong, but that I think there is a chance – a very, very small chance – he might be right and that makes me want to deny it-Damn it! This is not a mating bond. I would know.


Wednesday was the hardest. He was literally everywhere. I woke up to the sound of his truck pulling up to my cabin and only had five minutes to change before I had to jump out the back window while he let himself in the front door, using my not-so-hidden key. While he was inside, I got in my car and drove off. It was childish and stupid, I know, but what else could I do? If I face him, I might be unable to start avoiding him again. Mating frenzies can do that, and acknowledging them only makes them stronger. Not because the mating frenzy gets stronger, but because I then know what I am feeling and why, forcing all denial out the window.

He must have noticed something was off, because he let me drive off without giving chase. Even still, I went straight to the college, where my backup was waiting in the form of Riley. I had told him that I wanted to ask about something before class and he was eager to help, even though I did not really need help. However, having him there ensured that Ryland is not able to follow me and ask about me why I am avoiding him. How would he explain our deal to a human, after all?

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