Part 12

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"Wakey, wakey, love," you hear someone murmur, and the smell of scented coffee reaches your nose.


You don't want to wake up.

You want to sleep for eternity.

Your head hurts, not to mention it feels thick, and you can barely open your eyes for all the crusted makeup from last night. Your eyes crack open blearily, the pounding in your temples making your vision swim for several seconds.

You can feel someone leaning over you from behind, fingers trailing gently through your hair, their body heat keeping the chill of the room from getting to your bones.

"Chris?" you mumble, your hand rising to rub at your eyes, grimacing.

"Mhmhmm. Time to get up!"

What time was it?

You squint at your watch, seeing it was ten in the morning, and you felt like you'd only been asleep for five minutes.

"Jzta few more minutes," you mumble, trying to roll away from him, but he makes a huffy sound, rolling you over onto your back and making your eyes flash open in annoyance.

"You don't get to sleep any later," he informs you, leaning over you still.

You frown up at him.

His hair is freshly washed and still damp as it falls around his face, brushing his pale cheeks, his dark eyes lightly lined with makeup to make him look more like his self, eyebrows fantastically arched as per usual.

He smells nice, too.

Like scented soap.

Hey, was that -?

"Did you use my soap?" you mumble, and his lips twitch as he leans down, kissing and nuzzling your cheek.

"Maybe; the bathroom didn't have any. It smells good on me, doesn't it?"

It did.

But still.


You need a shower.

You feel like ick.

Not to mention your mouth is dry and your head has the fucking Christmas parade marching through it.

You grimace as you rise to your elbows, your hair tangled and knotted as it falls from its ruined braid, which was going to be a complete bitch to get out at this point.

"Here," Chris leans over, grabbing the cup of coffee spiked with sugar cookie creamer, just the way you like it. He offers it to you, and then opens his other hand, revealing some Tylonel. "Drink and take. It'll help."

You mumble a thanks as you do just that.

Jesus, had you drank the entire bar last night?


You sit up the rest of the way, thankful for the coffee warming your cold fingers, and you feel Chris arms close around you, pulling you between his thighs and nuzzling you warmly.


Did you die last night?

You're confused.

Didn't the two of you have a fight?

Shouldn't he be mad at you right now?

Like, pitching a fit?

Why was he coddling you?

You have to smell bad, you're still wearing yesterdays clothes, too.


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