Part 13

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You snuggle back into Chris, your head pillowed by his arm as the two of you lay in bed. He was asleep, of that you were pretty sure, and he was glued to your back, his arm tight around your waist. He was a definite snuggler when he slept, that you'd learned, although you don't see how he manages it when you twist and turn so much in your sleep.

You sigh, playing with the heart that you were now wearing around your neck and have plans of never taking off. It was heavy, but you would get used to it. You gaze at it in the darkness, kind of embarrassed you'd went all teary earlier but it had really taken you by surprise.

You hadnt known he'd done anything like that.

"You know, if we have hot Christmas sex again you might feel better," Chris suddenly mumbles into your hair, and you chuckle.

"I don't think your mother would approve," you tease, feeling him smile.

You're pretty sure shower sex was his favorite, although you can't fathom why.

"Mhm. I don't think she minds," he shuffles, and you feel a kiss against your ear. "Besides, maybe she hopes to get some grandkids out of it one day."

You snort.

Yeah right.

"So why don't you want kids?" he asks, and you sigh as you hear the tone.

He was in serious mode; he wants to actually talk.

Why couldnt you just sleep?

Sleep would be nice.

Wasn't he tired after such a long day?

He nudges you when you don't answer, and you grimace.

"I dunno," you mumble after a moment, mentally cringing. "I never have."

"Maybe it's because you've never been with the right guy to want one with," he suggests, amd you roll your eyes.

"Are you telling me you've been getting to get me pregnant this entire time?"

"Ha, no. I don't want kids yet. But some day. And, hopefully," he walks his fingers suggestively up your side, "you will too."

"You realize I'm the one who has to do all the work, right? All you do is donate."

Chris lips quirk.

You'd put some thought into this argument.

"But I'll be there the entire time," he responds, nuzzling your neck and Making you shiver. "So when you have them I can step in."

You grimace. "But what if you're not there?"

Chris frowns. "Why wouldn't I be there?"

"Because... Things can happen, Chris," you mutter, shifting uncomfortably. "Something could happen to you, or with your work you'd have to be gone all the time, or -."

"Is that why you don't want kids?" Chris stares down at you, and you huff in the darkness, refusing to turn around and look at him. "Because you're afraid you'll be alone with them?"

"I just... Don't want to end up like my mother, my dad didn't plan on dying, yknow? And then she got left raising three girls by herself. I don't want to end up in that situation, to struggle like she would."

"You would never be in that situation," Chris mutters, shaking his head. "Not financially. You would never struggle, not even if we have twelve kids."

You wrinkle your nose.

"I'm NOT having twelve kids."

"Okay, so one or two," he rolls his eyes. "But you would never have that worry."

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