chapter 2. His names Max

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So after the school hours went by (y/n) left the campus. She wasn't feeling for the bus today so she decided that she'd walk like she some times would. She sometimes just got too annoyed by the people on the bus.

As (y/n) walked she saw out the corner of her eye that the emo guy from this morning was now walking next to her. "uh hi?" (y/n) said looking over at him. "hi, I never really properly introduced myself. My names Max Lefter." he said with a smile.

"My names (y/n) (y/l/n)" (y/n) said as she looked back infront of her. "so why exactly are you following me?" She asked looking at him through the corner of her eye. "well I'm not really following you. My house is this way too." he said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "is that so.." (y/n) replied as she fixed her bag. "yep." Max said.

After a few minutes the two still were walking together but not speaking to each other. Katie comes running up. "hey (y/n)!" she yelled as she stopped in front of the two. "hey Katie." (y/n) growled. Katie brings her finger to her chin as she examines Max. "hey I know you." Katie mumbles. "it's me Satans.left.butt.cheek on Instagram." Max said with a smile. "holy shit max you didn't tell me you were moving here!" she exclaimed.

(y/n) huffs before walking past the two leaving them to talk. Max lightly pushes Katie away and ran after (y/n). Once he caught up he walked next to her. "max, why are you following me again?" she growled. "I'm not following just going the same way." he said with a smile.

After twenty minutes of walking (y/n) had finally arrived home. "bye (y/n)" Max said as he walks back the way they came from. "wow he was following me. Weirdo." she muttered before she walked info her empty house. No sounds expect for the AC. Her parents were currently out of town.

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