heaven and hell

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We spend eternity searching for an afterlife, never to find one, searching for something that can...... complete us. But I can not for I am too much a part of heaven and hell to ever go to either. But are these the places of dreams, for heaven is the place for the purest soul while hell is for those of damnation. but are there those that pure of soul they make it to heaven or damned to be put in hell. I forever will spend my time on earth as hells angel or heavens rejected, than to go to a place so "holy" or graceful as to be unreal or a place so real and stark to never be blessed with grace.

Si caelum et infernum hanc mihi quam damnabitur simul portis videbo vos-

If you condemn me to heaven or hell than you will be damned with me, and I will see you at the gates.

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