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I see thou,
For I am the wolf that guards the king.
I am he who cast the light of mourning stars unto the everlasting darkness.
For is that not what thou are?
He who grows gluttonous from envy, whose pride has brought forth insatiable lust.
Whose greed has brought forth mine wrath, inert in thine sloth.

I shall come,
Thou who have suffused me in folly and arrogance.
Whose words were the the brands of iron used to remove the things that made me known as holy.
For when he who illuminates spoken, I became icarus, my wings burned from my back. Cast unto the pit where I shall spend eternity breathing sulfur, walking on fire, drinking lies, and standing in the rain of burning feathers.

I am here,
Lost, and depraved.
Skin turned in my opposite, for in once representing the rising sun, I shall now call forth its decline.
With horns to pierce my halo, feathers shorn forth from my back, yet still spoken in tounges.
But with the loss of my light I have gained.
A gain that shall allow me to expunge those who shine brightly.
With the help of mine brethren.
He who comes from the pit and he brought forth from the sea, commanded by heat of my flames. I awaken to this your revelations.
I am sin,
Who am I?

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