2. Pizza and the New Boy

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  • Dedicado a My Awesome Best Friend

Hey guys, firstly I'm sorry this is out late. I know I was suppose to do this yesterday but I still needed to do some corrections to this. So technically this is still part of chapter 1 but I sort of jumped the gun on that chapter. This chapter is more exciting and you get to meet more people. yay. ENJOY.



After I had collected some delectable pizza I waltzed over to our table. When I got there the hyper hamster was still talking. How is it possible to talk that fast. Poor sister….who is currently being chatted up by some twat.

            Me no think so..

            “Hello.” I said as I stalked up to him. My sister’s face fell at once as she saw me. Oh damn it, she actually likes this one. “I’m Sky. This one sister.” The person who will damage your pretty little face if you touch my sister.

            The guy turned and straightened up to his impressive height. With a smile on his smug pretty face he held his hand out. Guy has got balls I'll give him that. By this point most of the boys we knew would be running for the hills.

            “I’m Jett. How are you on this fine day?” He tried joke. Most likely he would have been successful if he didn't keep on glancing over my shoulder.

           Is the puppy scared?

            “Not good. I’d be better if you would go over to whatever is over my shoulder. Obviously it is more interesting.” Twat.

            “Excuse me?” His bright smile faltered for a second.

            “Well you keep looking there so it must be more interesting. So beat it.” It was probably some girl with a belt for a skirt. Men.

            Jett smirked at me. “I don’t think anything could be more interesting than you, sweet cheeks.”

            I narrowed my eyes at the bastard. Boy this is my domain. The idiot must be one of the new kids. The ones from the other side of the city. His clothes looked like their sort of style; ruff and scruffy. They were the perfect image of those rugged men that most girls pant over. His dark hair and blue eyes would have probably helped him in the female area too. 

            “Sky, Jett was just here to ask where his next class is.” The hamster piped up. The cocky bastard kept the smirk firmly on his face. Stupid giant freak using his height to imitated me. Stupid short genes that I got from my mother.

            I cocked one of my hips, bored already. “What do you have next?”

            “Maths with the rest of my friends.” He glanced over at them then shook his head slowly. I follow his glaze then saw about 7 new students. Well I think they are all new.

            About 3 girls who were all currently holding hands with someone and the rest were all boys. They ranged from year 7 to 13. The tallest glared at us evidently making sure we didn’t beat Jett up or covert him to another religion.

            Overprotective ass.

            So what does that make you?

            Her god damn sister!

            The hamster smirked evilly. “Sky has that next, don’t you?”

            Oh you evil little hamster. No treats for you. “Yeah, I do.”

            “Brilliant then you can show us the way. Come on I’ll introduce you.” There were more new students I saw around the cafe but these were apparently his.

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