4. Reality

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Update yay. So firstly have you seen the new cover yet? SO brilliant. It was done by InTheNickOfTime. They are so amazing. AMAZING. You must check them out. GO ON.

look at the note at the end. It about someone else who is awesome on here

       On with the story, laughs evilly. it get interesting from here on.

“Now this is impressive.” The sound system in front of me was immense with a ridiculous amount of speakers. All with a wooden finish that I immediately fell in love with. The TV in the middle was modest, not those great whacking things that barely fit in your room, but a nice size that didn’t take up the focus of the room. “Do you think they have The Mummy?” I stage whispered to my sister whose eyes flickered everywhere taking in everything. Even the escape points.

            We were both in the Murdock’s house. Both still annoyed at each other and both finding out now that the party will be held here in the Murdock house. With the boys we just got in trouble. All of which gave us a pissed off look when they saw us in their house.

            Well its Demetrius house. The other boys are his friends and seem to spend most of their time here.  

            The house itself was nice. It was a big open plan place with creamy walls with a soft theme running throughout each room. The house was evidently made to entertain. Today they were entertaining my family, their family and a whole load of people I have never met before.

            “Are you finished drooling yet?” A smug voice sounded, near the entrance way. Turning we saw a tall lean man, with nice compact muscles. He had an angler face with sharp faces. With a short buzz cut and the dark cutting glaze he was a sight to behold. Just not powerful enough to make me want to stick around to find out his name.

            As I left the room I could hear my sister asking him to put a shirt on. Now that sight is enough to lose my lunch.

            “Dad, half naked guy alert in living room.” Now image saying that while walking into a room full of guys. With no shirts. Like seriously, put a shirt on or I will go blind then I’m suing your ass. “Dad is this your way of telling me you bat for the same side?” All of the boys snorted and made no attempt to put a damn shirt on.

            “Sky, this is Mr Murdock’s family and friends.” My father said, waving his hand around the room. Thankfully he had a shirt on.

            I sweetly and politely smiled.  “Can Mr Murdock afford shirts for his family and friends?”          

            “Why would you want that? You like the view.” The idiot son, Demetrius, smirked. He crossed his impressive arms.

            I gave him a half ass look, “I don't know whether to laugh at you or pity you for thinking that.”

            “My sons.-

            “These are all your sons?”

            “Well no but-

            One of the guys came over slinging his arm over Mr Murdock shoulders. “But we’re always here eating their food. His wife loves us so this old man has to put up with us. So you’ve got Demetrius, Jett, Alexios, -

            “Where are the girls?” Jett butted in.

            “Jasmine, that is our sister, is somewhere around and your girls are in your bedroom. Something about revenge for the pink hair.”

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