Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Reef POV

"Come in." The detached voice of my Dad sounded through the door as I waited for permission to enter his office. Straightening my shoulders, I threw back my chin to give an air of confidence, although some would argue arrogance.

Not that I could argue against that. As they would be right.

My usual smirk casually placed on my face, I strode past the thick oak doors. Without asking, I plonked myself down onto a seat before his desk, boredom already creeping in. The slight tensing in his shoulders let me know that my actions irritated him. Rather than acknowledge my presence, Dad's nose stayed buried within the stacks of papers before him.  

As a kid, I used to find this intimidating, but now that I am all grown up, I rather find the whole situation amusing. Unlike one of his loyal subjects, I won't bow down. He is my father not my king. Many of his men would sneer at me as I pass by them in the halls of this mansion, constantly yapping about how I am disrespectful to my superiors.

Pfft! Superiors my ass. Most of those guys don't even know how many fingers they have.

But what they don't know is that I lost all respect for my father the moment my mother died in that hospital.

I blame him for her death.

After all, it's HIS work that killed her.

And now his work has become mine. A lot of things happened after Kat was locked up. As her real last name was splattered across news headlines and the local papers, only then did Dad start to pay any real interest in me, especially since I knew her.


The name that has set me down this dark path. It was with that name Dad finally decided that it was about time that I turned into the business man he always wanted me to be. I didn't become a gang leader simply to exact revenge on Kat.

No. My fate was sealed a long time ago when I was brought into this world by my parents and given the last name Madden.  You see, my father isn't just any business man. He is one of the most dangerous gang leaders in the state.

I thought I could escape my fate.  I was wrong. The name Kat Santos ruined any chances I had. I don't know why my Dad has such a keen obsession over her and her family, but whatever the reason, I intend to find out.

"So I hear you've managed to screw up yet another deal." He let the paper he was holding flutter lazily back down to the desk.

I snorted. "I  didn't "screw it up." I wiggled my fingers with an amused glance at him. At his un-impressed look, I glanced away. "The other gang did."

Seeing his face begin to flush with anger, I held out my hands in defence. "But don't worry. I fixed it. They'll have the shipment for us by Friday. Either that or I'll chop his nuts off as promised!"

I smirked in good humour. Crunching of knuckles cracking prepared me for the lecture. I couldn't help but whisper under my breath, "Here we go."

"You are MY son Reef! I will not let you tarnish our family name."

Pretty soon I was chanting along with him, word for word as I had memorised the speech a long time ago. "Our name is sacred. Something to be feared. A name to be honoured and praised. I will not let you destroy the reputation I have worked so hard to obtain all these years."

With that last sentence I smirked in mischief. "About that..... if you have worked so hard for so many years now..... how old are you? I'm assuming pretty ancient..... maybe around eighty?"

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