Chapter 25

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Chapter 25



 I felt like all my bones had been shattered, the two overweight security guards throwing themselves on top of me so I could be officially arrested...... again.

But I was oddly okay with my predicament, as I watched in silent smugness as Reef dashed out the window with Caleb Daynes' records in hand. Our mission here was accomplished, and silent bell's of merriment chimed inside my head with joy..... either that or a concussion was kicking in.

"Alright troublemaker, lets' get you down to the station," sounded a gruff voice. Instead of the usual sarcastic remark, I decided it would be in my best interests stay quiet, my mind only now realising the deep pile of shit I'd just landed in.

A voice in the back of my head spoke up, "Yea did you forget your little status problem. FYI; your a criminal fugitive!"

No cheese..... Really? Well done brain for reminding me.

Yea..... I definitely have a concussion.

As the cold bite of steel clamped down on my wrists, I couldn't help but say, "Oh, a bit kinky officers."

"Watch it kid!" the other officer growled. Another loose comment slipped past my lips, "Kid? You know, doing this kind of stuff with a kid is illegal you know...." I puffed out my cheeks to contain my laughter at their red faces.

"Get in the car," A large hand shoved me inside. The metal grate divider stopped any possible escape movements from me, however it unfortunately couldn't protect the two officers from my snarky remarks.

"I hope these seats are clean, I can only imagine the filth that comes to place their asses on these seats, mine included. " I smirked as I made eye contact with one of them through the rear view mirror. "You know, I think I might buy myself a police vehicle one day, it could come in handy if I ever decided to become a mother." I chuckled darkly, as I could see the ever growing aggravation on their faces.

"Please for the ever loving god, shut up!" They both turned to scream at me. Doing so, I smirked as they turned to face the front, only to groan.

"Oh look, traffic," I clapped. "Story time!"

************************2 hours later********************

The tires screeched as the car came to a stop outside the precinct. Darting out the car, the passenger side door was practically ripped off its' hinges, and I was dragged outside. Picking me up by the elbows, my feet never even so much as grazed the ground as I was rushed inside the police station.

Throwing open the doors, my two accompanying officers stormed past the many others who stood by and watched, whilst screaming to "MAKE WAY!"

People parted like the red sea, right up until we came to a halt in front of a closed door. Not a moment longer was the door unlocked and I was chucked into the interrogation room.

Before they could slam the door closed, I shouted, "Hey could one of you bring me back a brush?! I heard the lighting is terrible and would like to look as presentable as possible for my mug shot!"

I chuckled as the door slammed shut, the two couldn't get away from me fast enough.

Silence swarmed me, looking around I couldn't help but to start counting the many bricks that made up the plain white walls. Boredom quickly settled in, I could feel my eyes slowly start to glaze over, the many nights of sleep deprivation finally catching up.

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