Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Diego POV

Sat inside Crentshaw's cafeteria, the crew and I sat in silence. The kind of silence when you are smoothing out the wrinkles in a carefully thought out plan. It had been a week since I first saw Kat Santos, and since then I have been deliberating on how to get her out of here without her necessarily knowing it.

Now you are probably wondering, why the hell won't I just confront her and tell her that we are here as a rescue on orders of her father?

Well, to put it simply, I don't want to have any contact with her. No personal connections what so ever. Not that if I talked to her would it get personal, nor would I make it personal, in fact, I could care less about her, but she was a case. And if I approach her.... SHE may develop and attachment to me and my team.

I don't want any chances of that ever happening.

We've rescued many damsels over the past two years, and every time we have approached them and clued them in on the planning stage, they always grew attatched. Mainly attatched to me. Claiming that I'm their Knight in shining armour or whatever bullshit fantasy they had going on inside their head.

Yea.... twenty cases involving that happening was plenty for me, I don't want to chance a repeat with this case. Especially after the rumours I've heard about her. According to the many residents here, guards and prisoners alike, Kat is a well known psychopath within this joint. Apparently she is a complete whack job, or to quote my in-mate 'a crazy assed psychotic bitch that should burn in hell.'

I've heard this many times. You see, the boys and I decided that over the past week, we should do some digging on this girl since the file her dad provided didn't offer much information except for the usual facts, i.e. date of birth etc.

And so far, what we have heard has all brinked on the edge of bazar. According to several different sources, she used to be a monk that had held a vow of silence for over a year and only broke that vow recently. Then I heard she was a satan worshipper and for that, the devil gifted her with magical fighting abilities, and it only got crazier form there.

So far.... I doubt my sources are the sane ones.

Although I did get one straight answer on Kat. And that was too the crime that landed her in here. When I first started working on this case, my first thought was that she had been caught stealing, seeing as she was Leo's daughter. So you could imagine my surprise when I heard she blew up a mental asylum AFTER slaughtering all the patients and work staff.

Yea.... I'm not too sure I should be letting out someone that dangerous. But, something about this doesn't make sense. A tiny young girl like that...... I couldn't imagine her being a psycho. But then again, it's the people you don't expect you have to watch out for.

But she was the case, and I promised I would help. So no matter what I think, I was gonna get the job done. That included protecting her. Starting with Barbara and her goons.

I dark smirk lifted the corner of my lip in satisfaction. Threatening that woman was one of the most entertainging things. Barbwire Brabara had been here when I was here two years ago when I first met my boys. That was a time when the male and female rest breaks were joined.

Out in the courtyard she would love to try and hit on me. And no..... I don't mean flirting, I mean,...'Hit on me, hit on me,' as in try to win in fights against me. She was just as entertaing losing those fights, jus like her scared face when she noticed I was back.

I suppose she thought she ruled this place, but here I am. The King has returned, or as I hear lots of others whispering.

Ever since my 'warning' Barbwire had stayed away from Kat. Just the way I like it. I couldn't have the package damaged before I've delivered it.

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