Getting her out of her thoughts

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When i went back to Tini she was kinda shouting at me but I couldn't listen because i was thinking of Diego and that woman.. What was her name again.. Ahh yeah,Veronica😤

But then she slapped my face playfully..

-Oh sorry,i was in my own world wasn't I-i said while putting my hand on my head.

-what did you just do!!, and who was that woman?-she asked.

-I don't even know what was she doing here, and I don't think Diego does either, but I know that her name is Veronica-i said while grabbing her hand to walk her out of the cafeteria.

-We should do something to get you out of your thoughts-Martina said after we went out from the set.

-Maybe we can go to the movies-i suggested

-or i have a better idea-she said smiling .

-We can go to the beach!!!- she said while jumping up and down

Sometime i feel she's like a child but that's what makes her the best❤️

-Oh yeahh, but let's invite the whole cast to have more fun-i said

-But weren't we going to get Diego out of your mind?!!-she asked

-yeah, maybe, but like this something exciting could happen that can get me and Diego more closer-I said grinning..

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