Chapter Twenty-Three: Seven Devils

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I swing my blade through the last vampire's neck, splitting his head from his shoulders.

"Dean?" Sam yells from the other room.

"In here!" I say, wiping the splattered blood from my face onto the back of my hand.

"Last one?" He asks looking around suspiciously as if he expects another attack.

"Yeah," I say looking Sammy up and down to make sure he's okay. His hair's a little ruffled and he has blood-freckles, but he looks fine.

"Burn it down? Before someone comes?" He asks, smearing the blood around on his face instead of wiping it off.

I smirk at his confused blood-covered face, and nod.

"Where are the matches?" I ask digging through my bag.

"Right here, darling." A husky voice with an Italian accent sing-songs.

I grip my blade tighter and grab for Sam, to confirm he's still behind me.

Her high heels click as she sways into the room. A long navy blue dress hangs over her skinny frame. Her eyes are as black as her long hair that swings with every step. "Fermo!" She snaps and the blades fly out of our hands.

"Who are you?" Sam asks stepping up to stand next to me.

"I have many names. Giuliana. Demetria. Annona. Lysistrata. Marketa. Orielle. Theone. Verbena. Ynez. But you shall call me Theresa. It is what I am known to you Westerners."

"Never heard of you" I snap, trying to think of plan to get us out of here.

"Surely, you've seen me before Dean." She giggles as her black hair melts into the black sludge from the diner. "Well not myself exactly. My, how do you say, pets?"

"What the hell are you?" Sam asks.

"The creator," she whispers forming a small sludge monster in the palm of her hand, "The destroyer," she crushes it, the sludge oozing out of the sides of her fist, "A little of both. I am the daughter of creation and destruction. Life is my mother and Death is my father."

"But –" Sam starts.

"Why am I here? I have existed since the dawn of time, Samuel. I have outlasted nine vessels. Theresa will be my tenth. This body is dying; it will no longer support me. When I was born my parents composed a list of bodies that would be strong enough to hold me for hundreds of years. I am here because Theresa Di Pietro of Bosa is dying and a girl of Winchester blood is what is written next on my list."

I tighten up, and Sam looks uncomfortably at me.

"Now, the problem is the only Winchester born are boys. And have been boys for centuries. Until now." She continues, tapping the toe of her high-heel.

"No." I shake my head.

"Ah, but it is not your decision. It's the girl's. And in the end she'll say yes. It's written in prophecy. I'll come to claim her when this vessel truly dies. But I'll be keeping an eye on you Winchesters." And with that she completely melted into sludge.


"Hey," I smile as the boys walk into our small motel that we rented for this vacation, "How was fishing?"

"Nothing," Sam pouts, but shoots an uneasy look at his brother. This doesn't go unnoticed.

"Listen, Addie, we need to talk." Dean says throwing his jacket at Sam. I see the dark brown of dried blood crusted into the folds.

"Oh god," I say grabbing the jacket out of Sam's hands with more force than necessary. He looks hurt.

"It's not what you think – let me explain," Dean says, nodding to a couple chairs stuffed uncomfortably in the corner.

"I really don't want to hear it if you killed someone else." I sigh raking my hands through my stringy hair.

"I've never killed a human, for starters." He says looking in disbelief at me, "Second, it's about Cassidy so you might want to listen."

I don't want to.

But I do.

... One week later ...

"Ugh, Cassidy, you asshole," I mumble as she provides a nice strong kick. This has become her new thing ever since we came home for our "vacation."

"What was that, dear?" Jane, our neighbor asks, while pushing a cart with her three hellions: David, Martin, and James.

"Nothing," I smile sadly towards Jane.

"Thanks for helping me today, Addison." Jane says shooting an angry look at Martin who was excessively elbowing James.

"It's no problem really. I like our weekly shopping trips, gets me out and about." I smile ruefully.

"David!" She snaps as he grabs a bag of marshmallows from the shelves.

"Excuse me; miss, would you mind watching my kids while I go to the bathroom?" A tall red-headed woman asks me, pulling me away from Jane who continues to walk through the store. "This might sound strange, but, pregnant woman are always pretty trustworthy."

"Um, alright, I guess." I say standing in front of a cart, with a small red-headed girl around seven years old and a tiny red-headed toddler.

"Hi!" The girl says waving her tiny hand erratically back and forth. "I'm Virginia, that's Judy."

"Jude!" The toddler says angrily pushing his sister.

"Are you having a baby?" Virginia asks pointing to my stomach.

"I am." I say, awkwardly. I've never been good at talking to children. They're too honest.

"Is it a girl?" She says pushing her baby brother away.

"Yeah," I say shooting a pitying look towards Jude.

Just then their mother comes bustling down aisle 7. I do a double-take to the bathroom door, where she was supposed to come out. Her hair is ruffled and something that looks like blood, is splattered on her forehead.

"You got a little something right –" I motion to my own forehead.

"Thank you." She snaps and flicks out a wet-nap to wipe up the blood.

"Bye." Virginia says nodding her head to me as her cart is pushed away.

I half-ass a wave.

I start to walk forward to go off in search of Jane and the boys, but something stops me. Some deep feeling is down in my gut. I enter the ladies room.

Three dead bodies are scattered around the room, each dripping in blood. Each was pregnant. A giant blood T is scrawled on the mirrors.

I scream.

There's not much else I can do.

Carry on my Wayward Daughter: A Supernatural FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now