~3~ Loki Arrives In Time For A Prophecy

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Percy pov

I woke to the sound of a familiar roar.

Knowing who it was, I got up and flashed into my black armor. The armor was exactly like Loki's armor (don't ask how I know what it looks like, I have no clue), but black instead. It even had the horns on the helmet, except black and sharper. I also had a black cape that looked like it was woven from the darkness, which it was. I don't remember when I got this armor, only that I had it.

I Element Traveled (a method of travel by mixing the elements) to where the roar was.

I looked around the living room to see the rest of the Avengers, minus Thor, in their suits and trying to attack the group of monsters that had invaded the living room.

"ENOUGH!" I shouted, using Aphrodite's charmspeak. Everyone immediately stopped and looked at me.

"Avengers, your weapons do not work on such beings. And Beef Boy, I thought I killed you." I said, glaring at the Minotaur.

He roared in response.

"Perssssseusss Jackssssson. Sson of Posssseidon. The idiotic hero of Olympussssss that everyone talksssss about and hatessss." A Dracaena hissed.

"Oh shut up and let's get this over with. You interrupted my sleep, so you will pay." I growled, willing my staff I made yesterday to appear in my hand.

The monsters charged and I went straight toward the Minotaur.

I dodged him and stabbed his side. Unfortunately, it was not enough to kill him. He turned around and brought up his axe.

As fast as light, a gold staff stabbed through the Minotaur from his back.

He gave one last roar and dissolved into golden dust.

In front of me was someone I realized to be Loki, Norse god of mischief, illusions, and magic. He was in armor like mine, but gold. His staff was gold as well, and was glowing blue. His long, black hair was as black as ever.

"Why, hello." Loki said, smirking.

"Loki. Wonderful. Bloody Tartarus, just wonderful." I grumbled as I moved to chop off a Hellhound's head.

Thunder shook the tower as lightning struck monsters from Mjolnir, Thor's hammer.

"All of you monsters want to go back to Tartarus. You want to die and never reform." I charmspoke a large amount of monsters. They dissolved into dust.

Finally, Loki killed the last hellhound with the help of Thor.

"What is he doing here?" Clint asked as everyone turned to each other.

"Odin ordered that he came here to Midgard for a while." Thor replied.

"Does he have to be in my tower?" Tony asked, glaring at Loki.

"It is is not your tower anymore, Tony Stark. It is The Avengers' tower. Hence the name, Avengers Tower." I said coldly.

"What I want to know, is where you got a replica of Loki's armor." Bruce said, looking at me. He hadn't gone all Hulk, so he stayed in the lab.

Everyone else looked at me as well, thinking the same thing.

"It isn't a replica, exactly... It's more like my version of armor. I do not remember how or when I got it, though." I said. My armor melted off of me and my staff disappeared.

"Well, you said you would tell us something about your powers that you had?" Steve said before anyone else could ask stupid questions.

"Ah, yes. Alright. But, you might want to have a seat. It's a very long story." I said.

Everyone except Loki and I took a seat.

"So, you are going to tell them of your family?" Loki asked me.

"Yeah, I am." I replied.

"You might need help for all the questions they will ask. Apart from Thor, he already knows." He chuckled.

"Uh-huh. I don't care. Anyway," I turned to the Avengers, "I am a demigod. Not like Thor or Loki, but a Greek one. Is there someone who hasn't heard of Greek Mythology?"

No one said anything. Good.

"Well, about 17 or so years ago, I was.... born to a mortal named Sally Jackson and a god named Poseidon, Greek god of the seas." I had trouble on the word 'born'. I felt as if they weren't my real parents, so it was hard thinking that I was their son. "Anyway, I was sent to Camp Half-Blood. That was one of the two places safe for a demigod. I was sent on a lot of quests. Returning Zeus's lightning bolt as well as Hades's helm, bringing the golden fleece to Thalia's tree, saving Annabeth and carrying the weight of the sky, going through the Labyrinth, and finally destroying Kronos. That is just half of it."

"The other half is interesting. Very interesting." Loki commented.

"Shut up, Loki." I charmspoke him. He immediately shut up.

"Anyway, Hera took away my memories as well as Jason Grace's. I was sent to the Roman camp, while Jason was sent to the Greek camp. Long story short, I killed a giant in Alaska and became apart of the Seven. We killed Gaea, the Earth Mother, but at a price.... The rest of the Seven died except for me." I said. "I asked the gods if I could be alone, and they granted my wish. But they also decided to bless me."

It was silent until Steve asked, "When Tony asked you about Loki, how did you know so much about him?"

"Well... I'm not entirely sure. I-" I was interrupted by a sharp pain. I started to glow gold.

"Twins born of ice
Shall kill the dark one, helped by darkness.
Death and life will become one
And curse the newfound Jotun.
For he is the Son Of Many,
Forced to endure flashbacks for all time,
Only upon death shall he be released." I rasped.

I stopped glowing as everyone stared at me.

"No..... I-impossible... That was a new Great Prophecy. Great Prophecies only happen when war is coming." I stuttered, eyes wide.

"This isn't good. I'm assuming you wish to go to Olympus?" Thor asked me.

"Yes. Thor, Loki, you're both coming with." I said.

Off to Olympus we go.

SHMEH. I don't have internet anymore -_- So, sorry if I cannot update as often or for a month or whatever :/

-Video Of The Day-

Loki's Battlefield 615 by Mischief Maker

URL: https://youtu.be/ggqLHrBU-k4

(I couldn't find it :/ )


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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 23, 2016 ⏰

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