Don't Bother

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( Ren )

Since this year's semester was just beginning and many students decided to "change" in the holidays, I wasn't surprised when Olive announced the fact she had a crush on Barry.

It was morning time in the cafeteria and Olive told Lily that she had important news for her. It wasn't that I was eavesdropping or anything, I just didn't want to listen to anything else. It seemed to be kept only between them but I wouldn't mind if I ended up knowing.

For a whole day of suspicious acting and curiousity bubbling up inside my soul, I thought about what was so important Olive wanted to be kept private from the crowd. And, if anything, would they keep it from me? There wasn't much point in doing that though. I didn't have anyone to tell.

When I went to read in the library at lunch time, I listened carefully to everything. No one sat with me, which made me feel like I was back in year 6 again. Where I wore black and felt like it too. Nevertheless, I longed for the end of the day to come.

Once each and every period was finally done with, I followed Lily and Olive to get their stuff. As a one time only situation came to the light, I grabbed my headphones and put them over my head. I raised the volume up to high so I couldn't hear myself think, but most of all, to hear them with better certainty.

And when Olive mentioned a boy named Barry, my curiosity came up to its climax. The name sounded so familiar. To Lily, it seemed to have a lot of meaning too. When Olive finally spilled the beans about her 'small' crush for the boy, I gasped. She turned around quickly, her expression pale. "Please don't tell anyone.", she begged. "Don't worry, ma'am. I don't have anyone to tell.", I responded. Olive smiled, talking freely about her other crush. That would be Owen, a friend of all of us.

Once when we were done grabbing our things, the three of us grabbed our things and headed out. Since students had to wait outside to be picked up by their parents, we sat on wood benches, waiting for our parents to come. It was at that moment where soft, caramel hair, slightly tan skin and green eyes whisped through my memory. I didn't know what I was thinking about, who exactly, but they existed.

Styled caramel hair and the same tan skin with mesmerizing green eyes appeared again. This time I saw a bright smile and a nice maroon sweater with slim, blue jeans that happened to be folded at the bottom. Black, high top Converse decorated his feet and the hands in the boy's pockets paired everything up. Barry Allen.

I gasped one last time, staring at the two best friends in shock and horror. "What?!", Olive asked frantically, fearing my outburst. "Barry Allen!?", I asked. Olive and Lily nodded at the same time like the best of friends usually do. My eyes were still wide and I didn't want to think about it. However, I didn't want to leave Olive unwarned.

"Olive, you can't like that spork. He's a prick, don't bother.", I miumbled. She rolled her eyes and smiled, waving bye to me. I waved back, going to sit back on the black wooden bench. I started to pair things together. The 'lovey-dovey' actions they both shared and the communication and socializing they did out of school. Everything just made sense.

Ohmygod I need to ship it.

But somehow, I didn't want to ship it. It wasn't like Olive and Owen, the perfect best friends, siblings and boyfriends and girlfriends. They were just so meant for each other it kind of reminded me of the couples in movies.

I asked Lily what she thought about it, however, she said she wanted Barry and Olive to be a thing. She told me about the time Owen jumped from one girl to the next and then back again, mentioning that would make Olive feel like me. Lily would much rather prefer Barry.

But for some reason, I didn't want it to happen.

The next day, I walked to second period with the one and only Barry Allen walking in front of me. I didn't want to talk to him, didn't want to hear his voice. Didn't want to stare into his eyes, didn't want to pick up his scent. I just didn't want for him to exist at all.

The green eyed boy asked me if I knew who Olive liked. And I did, of course, but I wasn't sure if I could trust a boy like Barry. He didn't seem trustworthy and his eyes screamed his desperateness. I told him to promise to Pokemon that he wouldn't tell. He crossed his heart and I intimidated his soul with stabbing him with a plastic spork. He nodded quickly, me telling him the answer to his question.

And as I saw his energetic green eyes darken, his hair flatten, shoulders slump and smile disappear, I couldn't help but feel..satisfied. "Who do you think she liked?", I asked. "Me.", the boy answered quietly. I nodded, knowing how it felt.

Barry looked at me as if he was expecting me to look at him back. I didn't though, I didn't want to. He didn't deserve it. Something just told me he didn't deserve anything. It seemed to be as my indeed hatred for anything was going to the green eyed boy and to me, it seemed to be he was the center of it all.

But as I stared into his dark green eyes and cold expression, I told him that he and Olive were my otp. He smiled gratefully and I couldn't help but smile and lie through my teeth. Because, for some reason, they seemed to be my notp in any circumstances.

I don't know what was happening. Not anymore.

( Had to update. )

- Ashton, a very boring Ashton.

Clue #3: A Queen.

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