I Shipz XD

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Jane: *sings like nobody's business: I DON'T CARE I SHIP IT!

Arthur:.....mi can't believe I'm saying this... I'm proud of him...

Oliver: AWWW! The little one has finally grown up!!

Jen (Jane's 2p): BKEH! WORST SHIP EVEAH!

Me: wait.. Aren't they like 11?


Me:oh who cares I'll plan the wedding!!!

Jane: ^^ yayy~!

Me: waiiitt...

Alfred: What now?

Me: I ship this... But I also ship Sealand and Lavita <--- (probably spelt that wrong)

Jane: oh no! I do too! EKK! whyy??? :(

Sealand: ohh can I say something-

Arthur: No!

Jane: yes you may

Sealand: how about we ask the readers who THEY ship ME with! And then wright about it!

Jane: yeah! Please tell us who you ship Sealand with! Well that is all for now loves~ Ta Ta~

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