I'm Still Laughing

165 17 11

This isn't really a normal update and more of an A/N but hopefully you find it somewhat funny XD

Okay first let's get the boring stuff over. At my new school on the first day I met a guy and he had me meet his friends and in his group of friends was a hetalian. We became really good friends.

  Anyway I kinda joined the group so we are friends now and I got another girl to watch hetalia and likes it the three of us are constantly making hetalia jokes so the guy ((Let's call him R)) wanted in

  So he asked my one friend and I who was our favorite character. She replied Italy and I replied  England. He asked our other friend who was her least favorite and she said Germany.

Anyway he came back the next day ((It was school we all did)) and we tested him on dome hetalia characters. The first one we showed him was England and he said Germany.

  Now you are probably staying that was not funny or they kinda look a like but here's the thing we showed him this exact picture

  Now you are probably staying that was not funny or they kinda look a like but here's the thing we showed him this exact picture

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Now you are probably saying that's still not funny. Well that just shows you how boring my life is that I thought this was funny.

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