Reader Survey

320 14 181

I know I said I would go back to real updates and I will but I had planned a Q/A for 100K views but like only 4 people actually put anything so yeah I'm not going to do that because I'm not sure if I can make a decent special out of 4 questions XD

So my back up plan is to ask you guys a bunch of stuff and make a chapter out of that. I'm going to post what you guys say and add a few surprises ((or maybe not idk yet)) on the 200th chapter and that's pretty close from now so hopefully we can get enough answers and stuff by then :) Anyway let's begin

1.) How did you find this book?

2.) What is your favorite chapter?

3.) Favorite Character that has been in this book. ((So OC's count and so do I XD))

4.) Least Favorite Character that has been in this book.

5.) Character you want me to add more of.

6.) 2ps or 1ps?

7.) Gutters or HetaOni?

8.) HRE or American Revolution?

9.) Frog or Turtle?

10.) Green, Blue or Red?

11.) Favorite Pokemon

12.) Blue and Yellow or Red and White

Okay that's it please answer them all if you can :) I'd like to make sure I get correct results thanks! Bye!

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