Hair Care Hacks

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Keep your hair happy and healthy, come on give it the love it deserves!!

• When you conditioning your hair, don't focus on you scalp, but more towards the end of your hair, as your scalp already has natural oils.

• Give yourself head massages ~ this gets the blood flow to your head, helping your hair stay healthy and grow faster.

• Put hairspray on a clean toothbrush to tame you crazy fly-a-ways.
Make sure you reserve a special toothbrush just not used or going-to-use one. Like come on common sense, but just in case...

Sleeping and laying in bed is when you hair loses most of it moisture. Try trying your hair a ponytail or loose/messy bun to help your hair, this also save you from unruly bed hair. Braid you hair overnight for a loose/messy curls.

• Have frequent trims to get rid of split ends and keep you hair healthy.

• Try not to wash your hair everyday - try to limit it to every second day.

• After washing your hair squeeze out the water, do not rub or tie up with a towel.

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