Dealing with Anxiety and Stress

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A little bit of stress and anxiety is alright in moderation, but sometimes life just becomes too much. Here you will find some strategies for dealing with stress and worrying, but these tips can only extend so far. So if your stress and anxiety are through the roof, then please go see your local doctor.

~ Worrying is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do, but gets you nowhere ~

Worry Journal

Writing your concerns in a worry journal may help you gain a viewpoint- because more than often molehills will turn to mountains if it is left to linger in the brain too long. Dedicate your time to writing about it in your worry journal.

Distraction Action

Simple. Distract yourself. Although it is not healthy to suppress your problems, it is important to take a break from them sometimes. This can help gain a new perspective and renewed energy to tackle the issues at hand. Movies, books with over dramatic plots... or a hobby/chore that requires your full attention. Many people find mindfulness activities for example; meditating helpful. A good app for mindfulness is 'The Smiling Mind' it has great meditation techniques.


Exercise is one of the best ways to keep you anxiety at bay. Find out what activities works best for you. Maybe it's walking, jogging, yoga, kick-boxing or maybe just a team sport. Try visualising yourself sprinting as fast as you can, and your worries will be trailing behind you, or imagine every ball you chuck or kick you throw is you chucking your worries away.


Try taking a walk outside, look at your surroundings. Look up at the tall ancient trees, and realise that your problems will come and go, and that the trees will be standing strong. I believe that spending time in nature is best way to make sense of the all of the disorder in the world. Next time that your worries get out of control imagine yourself as a tree, a tree located in a tornado. Just remember no matter how strong the wind blows your roots will keep grounded.

Worry Zone

Choose a comfortable spot where you can worry without interruption, even make a sign if needed. Now set aside a certain amount of "worry time" each time. Now all you have to do is worry, just let your mind wander through all the different issues. Pay special attention to how you feel when each topic crosses your mind. Does something bother you more than you realised? (Try keeping your worry journal close by as well) Set a timer so you know when your time is up. The following day. Address your problem instead of letting them build up. Reward yourself at the end!!!

Anti-Worry Kit

Just as the heading says, it's a first aid kit but just for worries. Grab a shoe box and fill it with things that combat your worries. Whether it's a post card, metal you've won, a relaxing bubble bath, quotes, stuffed animal, chocolate, tea/coffee/hot chocolate, shell form a relaxing vacation, woolly socks, picture of your friends or family or a scented candle. These items are completely personal, after all it is your anti-worry kit.

The Worry Box

Create a "worry box" where you can store worries until you're ready to process them. Write your concerns on separate pieces of paper and keep them in the box. When your life seems overwhelming, pick up a worry card from your box and spend your time worrying about that. It's very rewarding to throw out the cards you're no longer worrying about. Pay attention to any patterns that might form in the cards.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Just remember to take time to laugh and play. It's easier to take your problems less seriously if you don't take yourself too seriously.

Rate Your Worries

Simple Pleasures

Dream Your Worries Away

Get Organised

Get Back To Basics – Simplify Your Life

Accept The Things You Can't Change

Focus On The Present

Take Baby Steps

Take A Deep Breath

Be Kind To Yourself

<3 Wishing you stress-free days <3

Emily xx

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