Chapter 3: "No. That's clearly not helping."

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Chapter 3: "No. That's clearly not helping."


mareen's pov


Breathe Mar Breathe.

No. That's clearly not helping.

"Wait. Can you, repeat that please?" I asked Simon.

"You are going to play Liam Payne's Girlfriend." he repeated.

Oh so I did hear well.

"So...can you explain....? Uh, I thought this was a shoe commercial." I ask fiddling with my fingers, I find my shoes interesting.

"We'll explain right after you sign this contract." he said uninterestedly sipping on his coffee.

Should I?

"Uh. But what--"

"Follow me, Mrs. Roberts." sidncikncdoied.

"Since you are American, well the pay is five thousand dollars per week. And you need to tour around with the boys until the tour is over and then the breakup. You'll have to go on fake dates for the public, and also try to make him better, like fix him or something." Simon explained. "Here, lets go read the contract in the business room." he said directing me to this big room with a big table in the center with about twelve chairs.

"Hello puffy friend!" Louis exclaimed playing with my hair, I laugh awkwardly.

I usually hate when people do that but,

It's Louis Tomlinson for feck's sakes I'd let him burn my house and not do anything just drool.

I couldn't even care less.

"Louis please be a gentleman and stop playing with the poor girl's hair?" Niall said sitting beside me.

"Fine! But she was liking it! Weren't you Marina?" Louis said sitting across from me.

"It's Mareen and no, I was not. I hate when people play with my hair." I answered the most professional way I could think of, but I let out a small squeak at the end so it just ruined it. 

"I thought we were friends." Louis says with a hurt face, I laugh again.

"We don't know each other Louis, but maybe we can be friends." I smile trying to make him feel better.

"I'm kidding, I'm not like this ever. Anyways, hi I'm Louis Tomlinson nice to meet you." He takes out his hand for me to shake, I grab it and shake it tightly. As people say, you can judge someone's confidence by a simple handshake.

"Nice to meet you, like really. Big fan of your work, I'm Mareen Roberts." I gently smile, but on the inside I'm about to explode into tiny little Mareen pieces.

"Here I am." Simon said entering the room with a brand new coffee. I swear this man has something with coffee. That's his third one since I saw him.

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