Chapter 5:

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Lucile's POV

After breakfast Mum wanted me to go to the tailer to get some dresses sized right for me. If I remember his name was Wyatt and his workroom was in the right wing of the castle. I wondered down to the right wing and finally found his workroom. He wasn't in there so I just stood waiting. There was a huge mirror hanging on the wall in front of the pedestal I stood on yesterday when I was getting fitted for a dress. Looking in the mirror my reflection greeted me. My hair was wavy and pulled into a high pony tail. My shirt I wore was blueish gray and it matched my eyes perfectly.

"Morning your highness! Sorry to keep you waiting." Wyatt bowed. You would think he would be short, kinda lanky, and not muscular for a tailer but he was tall, and muscular. He had brown hair, soft green eyes, and was just a little bit tan. I really hadn't noticed I had been staring at him for awhile until he cleared his throat. "So the Queen wanted you to have this dress sized right to fit you. It use to be hers." Wyatt told me holding up a light blue gown. "You try it on and I'll wait outside."

I nodded and he left the dress hanging on a hook. 5 minutes later I got it on, It was kinda big. "You can come back in." I shouted and he walked back in.

"Wow you look stunning. Let's just pin up somethings and it'll fit perfectly. You don't talk much do you?"

"Most people don't want me to talk." I responded blankly. His eyebrows raised, "What do you mean?"

"At the orphanage, Mrs. Korn's use to yell at us for talking and threaten to cut our tongues out. One time I was singing Mar to sleep because she had w nightmare and Mr. Korn's came in and" I stopped talking when my voice cracked. Wyatt noticed and stopped poking needles in the dress. "Long story short, unzip the back of my dress." I managed to get out.

"Your highness I couldn't-"

"Go ahead it's fine." I spoke holding back tears. He carefully unzipped the back of the dress and let out a little gasp. "These scars...they're from him?"

"Yes," I mumbled. "Are we done here?"

"Yes your highness."


"I shouldn't have told him. What if he tell everyone?" I asked myself as I paced my bedroom floor. A meow from my bed made me jump. "Oh gosh Ann I forgot you were there." Mum and Dad let me go to the kingdom's pound after my dress fitting. They noticed I was upset and I said that I missed Mrs. Korn's cat, that he was my only friend. So they told me I could get a cat and I did, her name was Ann. She was all white with with a blue eye and a green eye. The pound told me she was a year old and had been found wondering through the streets. "What do you think Ann? Should I be worried?" I asked sitting and pulling her into my lap. "Meow." She responded and the started purring as I petted her softly. "Okay Ann, I'm taking your word for it." I told her then went to sleep.

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