Chapter 8:

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Lucile's POV

I showered, got into my gown, did my hair and makeup with 2 minutes to spare before it started. I walked from my room to the gathering center and spotted Mara and Cilia.

"Good evening your highness." Mara said with a look on her face I recognized. It was the 'I see a cute guy look'. I wasn't able to ask who because Mum pulled me aside to greet some Italian royal.

"Pleasure to meet you." I greeted.

"You too." The older woman said back.

After a few minutes of small talk I was able to slip away from her and get back to my friends.

"I made it out alive." I whispered.

"Great job, at least you did have to-" Cilia's voice stopped. "That's him! That's the cute guy right Mara?"

"Yeah it is, Lucy look over there." She pointed her finger and I saw him.

He had some nerve coming here.

"That -" I stopped myself from saying a few words I wanted to. Cilia raised her eyebrows. Mara elbowed me "You know him?"

"Can I slap him a few times?" I mumbled angrily getting a look of disgust from a waiter passing by.

"Tell us what happened?" Mara suggested.

"Let's just say he broke my heart, the rest is a story for another time. Now if you excuse me I have to go say uhm hello to an old friend." I told them making my way across the room to him. He spotted me and slipped off into the garden. I followed.

And there he was, waiting for me by the fountain. "Wyatt."

"Hey Lucy."

"It's 'your highness'." I told him with venom in my tone of voice.

"It wasn't my idea I promise." He spilled.

"What wasn't your idea? Leaving me at my time of need? Ha just save it."

"Your father made me leave you. You have to understand." He pleaded with me.

"Why, why would he do that?"

"Because I'm just a tailor-" He took a deep breathe and closed his eyes "I'm just a tailor, a tailor that's in love with a princess."

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