Chapter five

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~~~Athena's p.o.v~~~

as i am walking around the classroom getting things ready for class with Tori. i notice this clear pointy thing sticking out from under the bookcase in the back of the classroom.

I pick it up but it looks a lot like a cristal with these weird symbols on it. that look like a mixture of holographics and a bunch of weird look st of curvy lines overlapping with one another.

"what are you holding? asks Hecate walking into the room

"i don't know" i reply spinning it around in my hands

"well in that case let's call a meeting someone's bound to know what it is" Hecate says walking out of the room.

about three minutes later everyone's in the council hall looking at the weird gem.

"it has some very strong magic i can tell you that much" says Hecate

"its pretty" says Aphrodite

"it's definitely something" says Hera

"it's mine" says Tori from out of nowhere

"what do you mean it's yours?" asks Zeus

"the marks are a special spell that teleports the crystal to me if anything happens to her" says Tori

"whos her?" asks Hermes

"her as in Maria, she's the assassin that Apollo met the other day at the statue of liberty" says Tori slightly annoyed.

"oh, so if this crystal is here that means" says dionysus 

"yup, so if you don't mind" says Tori taking the crystal and walking out of the room only to walk back in two minutes later holding a device which she puts down on the table turning it so the device is facing the wall.

Tori puts the crystal into the device, this video appears on the wall. the person in the video who i am assuming is Maria starts talking. "hi Tori, if your watching this that means i've been attacked and mostly likely dead or worse a prisoner, i need you to do something for me" was the last thing she says before there's a scream in the background a crash and the screen goes all statically then fades to black. everyone just kinda sits there staring at the wall with what looks like shocked faces but i can't be sure.

"i am going to go and check out her house, so who's coming with me" says Tori

"why" asks Artemis

"so i can see if the people who took her left any hints behind" says Tori

"in that case me and Apollo will go with you" says Zeus

~~~Tori's p.o.v~~~

i walk into my room to find Apollo sitting on my bed.

"i don't think you should do this"

"i am going to do this, and you are not going to stop me"

Apollo gets up knowing very well that he's lost this fight, Apollo walks over to me and gives me a light kiss on the lips and a i'll see you later look and vanishes. leaving me to get ready in the peace and quiet of my room.

~~~Apollo's p.o.v~~~

I zap out of her room and slump down against the hallway wall. all I can think about is how I can't let her do this, I know it's selfish but I just can't bear the thought of losing her.

"what are you doing, sitting here all alone" says Aphrodite

"I was just thinking"

"about what, wait let me guess Tori" says Aphrodite

"Ya, it's just the thought of losing her scares me"

"Is Apollo in love" teases Aphrodite

"Maybe, I don't know" I say flustered

"She loves you, you do know that right" Aphrodite

"How do you know that?" I ask

"Hello, goddess of love here" says Aphrodite pointing to herself

"I know that, but it doesn't feel that way" I say standing up and walk back to my chambers to get ready to leave.

~~~Tori's p.o.v~~~

"Knock, knock" came a voice from the doorway

"What do you want Aphrodite?" I yell frustrated

"Can I come in?"

"Sure, come in"

"What's wrong?" Asks Aphrodite

"I don't know if I can do this"

"Do what?" Asks Aphrodite

"Be this savor that everyone says i'm supposed to be" I mange out through all the tears

"I think you should do whatever you believe is best for you" says Aphrodite

The two of us just sit on my bed me crying and Aphrodite hugging me and rubbing my back in soothing circles.

"He loves you" says Aphrodite suddenly


"Do I even need to answer that" says Aphrodite with this look of really now plastered on her face

"I know he does, but every time I get close to him I freeze up and panic because I keep thinking that he's too good for me and that I don't deserve him" I say crying harder

"Ya well you do derive him so your going to right now get Off your ass dry your tears and go find him and tell him that you love him too" Aphrodite says grabbing me by the shoulders pulling me out of bed and pushes me through the door.

I run down the hallway, around three corners, five flights of stairs, and a passed out Hermes.

"Apollo" I yell banging on his door "Apollo open up" I yell and bang some more.

"What" yells Apollo opening the door

"I need to talk to you" I say

"About what?" Asks Apollo letting me into the room

The second the door closes I grab his shirt and pull him into a painstaking kiss.

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