Chapter Eight

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Start writing your story

~~~Tori's P.O.V~~~

"it looks like a part of the device was removed then put back, I bet you there's something hidden inside" I mumble continuing to check the strange device for a way to open the part that was replaced.

I take the device and throw it on the floor over and over and over again.

but when that doesn't work I put it back on the table and take a hammer to it three times. it then finally splits in two.

"what you do that for" cried out Apollo

"there was something inside and I couldn't get to it any other way" I state

"so you break it, you know we could of used the time stopper thingy" says Apollo throwing his hands up in the air in an overly dramatic matter.

"two things, one-the device was broken and was never going to work again, two-the device was built around this piece of paper" I say holding up a very ancient looking yellow stained piece of paper.

"give it to me" says Zeus reaching for it

"no it's old and delicate and there is no way in hell am I holding it over to you" I say putting the rolled up paper in a locked case."oh and one more thing, gather everyone in the council hall in like now" I say getting up, grabbing the case and leaving the room before they can protest.

ounce in the council hall I take the locked case and put it on the pedestal in the middle of the room.

"what's in the case" says a bored Aphrodite holding her head up in her hands

"it's a map of the underworld, a very old map but it's still useful" I say

I take the piece of parchment out of the case and put it on the table

"Hermes, can I have your map of the underworld? I ask

"hee" he says sticking his right hand out with a white scroll in it.

I take the scroll from his hand and place it on the table next to the old map. overlapping them shows that there are two corridors on the old map that don't show up on the new map.

"if I would hand over the task of planning the attack to you Athena, will it get done?" I ask

"it will, after all I am the goddess of knowledge and strategy" says Athena

"good I need to go to sleep I'm exhausted" I say walking out the room

I head to the tv room for a much deserved break, I turn on the tv and put in my favorite movie, narnia.

half way into the movie my eyes begin to close from pure exhaustion. I fight to keep them open for as long as i can but eventually give up and let sleep take over.


I'm standing in Maria's bedroom looking for anything that would give me clue about what really went down when poseidon attacked her manner.

when her head maid came up to me and hands me a letter and then turns and just walks away.

the note reads.

dear Tori,

I know we only know each other through our dreams due to our shared abilities but if you're reading this, that means something has happened to me. I need you to do me a huge favor.

~~~end of dream/memory~~~

I wake up to someone shaking me. "Tori,Tori, Tori" yelled someone into my ear, "what" I mumble hitting whoever was waking me up.

" you fell asleep I thought that I would wake you so you can eat some dinner and go back to your room to sleep" says Apollo.

"ok,ok,ok" I whine

I get up walk out the room down the hall to the kitchen. make myself a pasta dinner and somehow manage to eat it in my sleepy groggy haze.

as i leave the kitchen and venture off to my room no matter where i look i always seem to see Maria and that letter that was written in gold and silver ink.

when I get to my room instead of going to sleep, I go to my book to the right on the third book shelf. the book case pulls back to show a model staircase going down into what looks like a dark abyss.

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