Chapter six

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Apollo and I stay kissing for what feels like hours but in reality it's really more like ten minutes.

I start to pull away but Apollo didn't seem to like that idea, he takes his hands and wraps them around my waist pulling me closer to his body.

the next thing I know I am flying across the room, luckily I land on Apollo's bed I sit up just in time to watch my father Zeus grab Apollo by the neck and throws him out the windows.

"dad stop it right now" I yell at my father

"that bastard" says my father

"that bastard is my boyfriend so you better get used to it" I yell grabbing my sweater off the bed and running out the room to go find and make sure Apollo's ok.

~~~Apollo's p.o.v~~~

one minute I'm kissing Tori and the next thing i know i am flying through my bedroom window. I crash land in the middle of my twin sisters meeting with her hunters.

"brother are you ok" my dear sister Artemis says in a concerned voice

"i'm fine but dad got a little mad that i was making out with Tori, and decided to throw me through a window" I explain

"sounds about right" says Artemis giving me a hand helping me up.

"Apollo are you ok, are you hurt" says a rambling and concerned looking Tori

"I'm fine, also how did you find me" I ask

"I used your sweater to perform a tracking spell" says Tori

"of course you did and i think we should also head back before dad decides to drop in" I say wrapping my hands around Tori's waist.

I call for my sun chariot to pick me up and take me and Tori to the teleport that will take us to Maria's mansion.

"here we go" I say jumping of my flying chariot then i motion for Tori to jump down of the back of the chariot catching her when she gets close to the ground.

"wheres dad we need to go" says Tori

"he'll be here seen" i say with a little doubt in my voice

~~~an hour later~~~

"i'm here, let's go" says my father Zeus

"no, before we go anywhere apologize for being late come on" says Tori crossing her legs refusing to get up from the rock she's sitting on.

"we don't have time for this" yelled Zeus

"I said say you're sorry" cries Tori

"alright alright i'm sorry, can we go now" sighs a very pissed off Zeus

"i'll take what i can get" says Tori through clenched teeth

we all walk through the portal one at a time in single file.

~~~Tori's p.o.v~~~

the portal left us in the garden of Maria's mansion, we make our way through the garden and over a ton of broken glass, along with broken flower and rose bushes.

once inside the house all you saw was shattered glass, ripped curtains, and feathers flying in every direction from the torn couches and chairs.

"well I think we should split up we'll be able to cover more ground that way" says my father zeus

"agreed" Apollo and I say in unison

"I'll take the downstairs Apollo you take this floor, and Tori you'll take the upstairs" says dad

I walk up the half broken stairs, and through a destroyed hallway that leads into what looks like some kind of mass graveyard in the middle of a massive destroyed sitting room.

"well, here we go" I say to no one in particular and start the disgusting job of moving the bodies. i check them for any clues in case any were left behind.

"looks like you got the most work out of all of you" comes a voice from somewhere behind me.

"who are you, show yourself" I yell looking around the room

"it's me Maria" says the voice

"how, I thought Poseidon kidnapped you"I stare wide eyed

"he did but i can telepathically communicate with you" she explains.

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