Chapter 3

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Dick sat there listening to Bruce and Gordon talk about what was going on, what they planned to do, and how they planned to do it. He felt horrible about what happened. He never expected Steve to go after anyone but himself, and even after Bruce voiced it, he never expected him to do it so quickly. He should've told Barbra everything when she asked him if he was alright at lunch.

"Ok, I'll be conducting the search personally. If he receives any more..." Gordon started but was cut off by a knock at the door.

It had been a few hours since the kidnapping and Dick tensed when he heard the knock because he knew that it was the time the letters are usually delivered.

All three of them watched as Alfred calmly walked to the door. He came in a minute later with yet another letter. "Another letter for you, Sir," he said as he handed the letter to Dick.

Dick swallowed nervously and looked to Bruce and Gordon as he took the letter. Bruce and Gordon walked over to him and waited anxiously. Dick slowly opened the letter and read it out loud so Bruce and Gordon could hear what it said.

"One down, several more to go. I'll be sure to take excellent care of her." He looked up to Bruce then back down to continue reading. "Your life will be a living nightmare before this week is over, and..." He again looked up at Bruce again then to Gordon. Steve was mentioning something about Batman which would tell Gordon their secret.

"Let me read the rest," Bruce said catching on. Dick handed Bruce the letter and Bruce read through it then continued where Dick left off only changing a few words to keep their identity a secret. "...and soon everything you knew will be gone. Your little friends are next and I promise, they will not be safe wherever they may try to hide."

"So now he's going to try and target some of his other friends? Where do they live? I'll have my men..."

"They don't live in Gotham," Bruce said cutting Gordon off.

"Well, not all of them," Dick said looking up at Bruce. "And she could get hurt tonight."

"Who?" Gordon asked.

Bruce looked at Gordon. "Her name is Artemis Crock, she goes to Dick and Barbra's school."

"I think Barbra's mentioned her before," Gordon said trying to remember what she told him.

"She has?" Dick asked surprised.

"Yeah, not very much, but at least once," Gordon said then turned back to Bruce. "I'll get a couple officers to her house and..."

"She can come here."

Both Dick and Gordon looked at Bruce surprised, but for different reasons. "I don't think that's such a good idea, Bruce," Gordon said.

"Yeah," Dick agreed," this guys after me, and if you bring her here, that could put more than just her at risk. He could get to you and Alfred too."

Bruce looked at Gordon. "I got a hold of Batman today."

Gordon's eyes went wide. "You did?" he asked very surprised.

Dick just smiled at Gordon's surprise. "Yes, he gave me a way to contact him if I ever needed to," Bruce explained.

"What did he say?" Gordon asked.

"I told him what was going on and asked him if he could stop by sometime tonight. I can ask him if he would stay close, that way we can have the kids come here. It would be safer for them."

Gordon nodded. "Yes, ok, that should work."

Bruce nodded then turned to Dick. "Contact all of them and tell them to get here as soon as they can." He then stretched his fingers to tell him five minutes. He then turned back to Gordon. "I'll walk you to the door."

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