Chapter 8

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Dick slowly opened his eyes. His head was pounding and his vision was fuzzy at first, but they finally cleared and he raised his head and looked around the room.

As he looked around, he saw that he was tied to a chair in a mall room. There wasn't much in the room, a bed, a small TV, a small dresser, and one small window.

Dick sighed, lowered his head, closed his eyes, and snickered. 'Funny This whole thing started with me tied to a chair in a warehouse. I guess it's only right that it ends this way too. At least Barbra and Bruce will be left alone now.'

The door to the room opened and Dick raised his head to see Steve walk through. "So, you're finally awake." Dick knew it was useless to try and talk back with tape over his mouth, so he just settled for glaring at him instead. "I wonder what's on the news this morning. Let's find out, shall we?" Steve said with a smirk.

The TV came on and Dick turned to watch. He saw the same reporter that did the story on the day Bruce was shot in the park.

"This is Sally Pennet coming to you live at Gotham Memorial Hospital. We learned that Bruce Wayne, who was shot in the park just a few days ago, was shot again just last night. It was also learned that Dick Grayson, Bruce's adopted son, was kidnapped as well. It is believed that the shooter came in, shot Bruce, and then Took Dick as a hostage."

"Well, she don't have her facts straight does she," Steve said. Dick just glared at him then turned back to continue listening to the report.

"No news on Bruce has been revieled yet, and... Oh, wait. It's the Commissioner. Commissioner Gordon!" Sally yelled as she and the cameraman ran toward Gordon, who was just coming out of the hospital. "Commissioner, it is said that you and Bruce are friends. Do you know how he is?"

"The Commissioner is busy," another officer said. "He doesn't..."

"It's alright," Gordon said. The other officer nodded and backed up. "Yes, Bruce and I were close friends. His son and my daughter go to the same school and are close as well."

"Excuse me, Commissioner," Sally interrupted, "but did you just say 'were?' As in past tense? Does that mean Bruce didn't make it?"

Dick's eyes went wide and his heart began to pound in his ears. 'No, he can't be.'

"The doctors did everything they could, but yes, Bruce passed away earlier this morning," Gordon stated sadly.

Sally stood there stunned and unable to speak. "Commissioner," the other officer said.

"Yes, of course," Gordon said to the officer. He then turned back to Sally. "I'm sorry, Miss Pennet, but I have a killer and kidnapper to find." He then left with the other officer following behind.

Sally just stood there, watching Gordon leave, speechless. "Uh, Sally?" the cameraman whispered.

Sally quickly turned to the camera. "This has been Sally Pennet..."

Steve turned off the TV. "Well, well, looks like I finally managed to get him. I killed the one and only Batman. Ha, not even Joker could do that," he said as he walked toward the door to leave the room.

Tears fell down Dick's face as he stared at the blank TV screen. After he heard Steve's comment, he turned and glared at Steve angrily until he disappeared from his sight. 'That jerk!'


"I can't believe he's really gone," Sally said with tears in her eyes.

Barbra was staring out the window listening to them. Tears ran down her cheeks during the entire interview. After her dad told the reporter about Bruce, the tears hadn't stopped. 'Dick.'

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